Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about visitors to my weblog. Yeah, I know that there were 5612 hits on this weblog last month (about 190 per day ;-)) but I don’t really know how they discovered my weblog.
Might it be via Technorati?
What I know is that each time I write a new post (like this one), WordPress notifies Technorati (via Ping-o-Matic!). Technorati (which is a search engine) then archives this information under a specific keyword corresponding the category of the post.
People using Technorati to search the weblog corpus with that specific keyword will see that there is a new post on my weblog and there is a possibilitity that they’ll visit my blog.
Might be… or might be not ;-)
Please check this weblog for cool information on Technorati.