How can we make our country, Mauritius, better? Politicians come and go and sometimes don’t know what to do to because of, ahem, a lack of bright people with interesting ideas in their immediate vicinity…
I have set up a Google Moderator website called Ideas to make Mauritius better! where anyone can propose and vote for ideas that can really enhance our life in the Republic of Mauritius (and this includes Rodrigues and the other islands.) To begin with, I’ve proposed 22 ideas and some of them are somewhat, ahem, controversial. Then, instead of having politicians who indulge in the contemplation of their respective navels all day long, maybe a few of them will stumble upon this website and say:
Aha! Those ideas are really excellent. Let me implement some of them. Maybe the country will benefit. And maybe people will be more inclined to vote for me during the next elections. This really looks like a win-win situation.
Who wants to participate? Your idea(s) might change our future!