It’s funny how we, Mauritians, have still not understood that Kreol Morisien is a full-fledged language.
Take for example the Made In Moris campaign. What is  “Made In Moris” supposed to mean? Why do people insist in mixing Kreol Morisien with English? Or French?
I have no problem using either Kreol Morisien, English or French. “Ine fer Moris”, “Fabriqué à Maurice” or “Made in Mauritius” all sound ok.
For example, for the local market, “Ine fer Moris” would be great. But for export products to France, “Fabriqué à Maurice” is good too and, of course, “Made in Mauritius” for all other uses.
What would you have chosen?
Now, coming to the three logos themselves, I must say I’m not too happy with any of them:
- The first one is way too complex and too, ahem, intellectual: a fingerprint in the shape of the island! It’s typically what non-designers come up with when they have to design a logo.
- The second one is too easy. Looks like a myriad of logos which are used everywhere in the world except that Mauritian colours are used.
- The third one is way too black and Facebooky.
Don’t tell me that criticising is easy while actually doing one logo is hard. I know that. But, as you all know, no one is paying me to come up with a logo.
In essence, don’t mix languages. Respect our Kreol Morisien.
And, please, come up with a nice logo.