Today, I am celebrating my three years of blogging :-)
It all started on 16 March 2004 when I announced the creation of my blog powered at that time by Movabletype.
Since then a lot of things has happened. I’ve written 276 posts and received 1,367 comments. Thanks to all who have contributed to the discussions! Since then I have moved to WordPress which is a much better blogging software.
I like to reread some of the things I have written because they are not that bad… Here are some of my posts which have generated a lot of passion:
- there-is-no-1gb-limit-on-myt-now (201 comments)
- what-about-using-french-or-creole-for-teaching (28 comments)
- announcing-the-cse-programming-contest (27 comments)
- wanadoo-livebox-to-be-launched-in-mauritius (27 comments)
- programming-at-google-and-in-class (26 comments)
- what-does-it-mean-to-be-mauritian (23 comments)
- kids-are-less-intelligent-now (21 comments)
- the-d-programming-language (21 comments)
- livebox-wi-fi-kubuntu-linux-amd64-bliss (20 comments)
Have fun (re)reading them ;-)