On Monday, Christina and I watched the last episode of The Blacklist, a TV show which ran from 2013 to 2023. We started watching Season 1 with the kids around 2015 and we loved it.
It’s about a special FBI Task Force set up to work with the most wanted criminal in the US, Raymond “Red” Reddington, in order to catch “blacklisters”, other dangerous criminals. During the show, we learn about the way the US and Russia work, about parenthood, criminal networks, politics and politicians, family and friendship. Sure, some of the characters were a bit boring but the main ones were very interesting, starting with…

Raymond “Red” Reddington is the main characters (in the sense that everything revolves around him) and he has the intelligence, personality, elocution and talent to steal the show. Every scene he is in is fantastic and, despite being a hardened criminal, everyone root for him.

Raymond’s sidekick is Dembe Zumma and he is a formidable character too. He is easily the most decent and dependable person in the show. He is so genuine that, even after having been Red’s bodyguard, he is admitted in later episodes as an FBI agent. In real life, he must be very nice to be friends with.

Harold Cooper is an Assistant Director of the FBI and heads the Reddington task force. He is a methodical person who is nice to everyone despite facing enormous pressure. He is the glue that prevents everything from exploding.

Elizabeth Keen is the FBI profiler who is initially brought in at the request of Raymond “Red” Reddington. Little by little, we come to understand that she and Raymond are linked and that, ultimately, she would have to leave the FBI to become Raymond’s heir. Unfortunately, things ended abruptly for her.

Donald Ressler is the other FBI agent and is most of the time contradicting the others. He is a pain in the ass in many episodes but grow into becoming another very good and dependable person.

Finally, I liked the Agnes Keen character as well. She is Elizabeth’s daughter and she is adopted by Harold Cooper who she calls Pops. She regularly gets the visit of Raymond Reddington who she calls Pinky.
So, farewell Raymond, Dembe, Harold, Elizabeth, Donald and Agnes.
Farewell also to the other recurring characters in the show such as Aram Mojtabai, Samar Navabi, Tom Keen, Alina Park, Mr. Kaplan, Cynthia Panabaker, Chuck, Brimley, Baz, Weecha Xiu, Siya Malik, Meera Malik, Herbie Hambright and, of course, Katarina Rostova (among others).
It was a wild ride and we highly recommend The Blacklist. Rated 8/10 by Christina and I.
We love you and will dearly be missed ❤️
My wife and I just finished watching Blacklist. Since Covid, we probably binged 20 different shows. BLACKLIST was my favorite…by far. James Spader’s role was exceptional. I couldn’t wait to get home from work to watch three episodes.
Thank you to the cast, especially Mr. Reddington, for excellent entertainment.
I loved every episode. Everyone was excellent in their part.
Thanks for your comments, Jill, Bryan and Lou.
I’m intrigued. How did you come across this blog post?
My daughter told me about Blacklist, been watching it on Netflix
Amazing show, just finished watching a time! Saw many nuances I missed first time around. I only wish one thing. More clarity on Red’s identity by the end. We’re left with lots of loose ends after 10 seasons as we leave a phenomenal show I will easily watch a third time!!!
Loved Backlist and Red. My dear friend, who passed way, introduced me to Backlist and I watched it with him in my heart. Great, great show and I want to thank the writers who kept everything moving in had me not miss a show.
It is the best series I have seen so far,and I love Red.I want it to
My husband and I love the show I’m glad my daughter told us about it, we’re season 10 episode 19 hate to see it end.
Don’t forget Glen aka Jellybean, I loved his character!
We loved this show. All of it. Sad to see it end.
You should have your work proof read before you publish it. I agree that it is a great show.
The best altime series ever at least for me. I never watch a movie or series more than once. I am currently on my fifth time watching all 11 seasons and that is saying so much about me and the show. There were 10 seasons on Netflix but the 11th season was filmed and released and for a while it was shown on Netflix but I don’t see it there now. I actually taped season 11 but I have to say it is not on par with the other seasons. Gotta go Raymond Red Redddington is calling
I’m intrigued.
I am wondering how Jill, Bryan Beaver, Lou, Carol Ann, Darv, Kenny Jackson, Nelly Beato, Carolyn, Andrea Silva, Joy, Scott and Larry Kaplan have found this post about The Black List.
I suppose that this post must have been shared in an online forum somewhere. I wonder which one?
I can say that it is nice to have commenters and comments… again :-)
Some writer speculation was that Raymond was actually Elizabeth mother and had a sex change out of left field just thought I would throw it out there
I watch it every day certain episodes. Can’t get enough of it. All of the cast are suited to the roll. James Spader IS Reddington no one else could do it.
Someone mentioned episode 11 how can we see it?
I loved it, very entertaining. Spent many late hours watching.
Best show ever! James Spader as Red is Amazing! The cast also amazing! We love it so much we are watching again!!!! Can’t say enough good things! EPIC!
This is a masterpiece for sure.
I really loved that show and i have been recommending to alot of people who have also loved it so much
This series is the best series ever. I’m watching my second time around and possibly keep watching it over and over. I recommend this for anybody. I wish they could continue doing seasons and keep up with this show. This is a show I would never stop watching and will never stop watching because I will watch it over and over
Best TV show of all time. JAMES SPADER irreplaceable period. WOW. Would like to meet him. Dave Winkels
I think the ending was really disrespectful to Red. But when you think about it they tried so many times but the humans couldn’t do it.
Great series. Watched it twice so far.
I have been obsessed with The Blacklist since it first began. James Spader is a true artist. Amazing acting from him, consistently, every single episode! I will truly miss Red, after all of this time he feels like a friend:)
The best show I have ever seen!!!
I New The Show Was A hit from The first episope Love the Show Raymond Was very Intelligent,Bad and Good All N One Person thanks 2tha Producer And Director for Damn Good Show thankU.
I came upon Blacklist while scrolling through tv! I loved loved this show it was funny smart and kept you on the edge I always rooted for Fred! Amazing actors actresses!
I love loved this show. Couldn’t wait for it to come on. Please let him and his daughter rise from the dead in a twist
I watching for 2nd time. I am not really to watch tv but this serie is one of hooked me up. I did know “Red” actor name until my wife said to me “he worked on Stargate” movie. He is a good actor, he is my age…lololo
Season 11 ????
I absolutely Love this show so much that I keep starting it over since I can’t find any other show that captures my attention. It’s the Best show in my opinion and I highly recommend watching it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I hate to see this series end, it was the one show I enjoyed most on my Netflix adventures. I couldn’t wait to get home to watch this show. I couldn’t get enough, but good things always got to come to and end. But if you guys can give us one more series, I WOULD LOVE IT..
Husband and I loved the show and didn’t want it to end.
I love every single character in blacklist mostly Red. He’s like a father and full of suprise. Everyone who watch reddington will missed him a lot. Hope this series will continue in future with agnes grows up and continuing reddington legacy.
This was the BEST series. We have ever watched. We are having trouble finding another series to watch, but Blacklist has spoiled us
Blacklist is probably the best series ever made. I’ve watched it 3 times and looking forward to a 4th.
SPOILER ALERT! I found the very last episode of season 10 to be hilariously appropriate! Of COURSE he was gored by a bull! Nothing less than that would have been a worthy death for Raymond Reddinton! If he had survived that. It would have been yet another story he would get to tell everyone who would listen!
As for him being a transgender woman, please. Get a life.
My husband and I are 71 years old. We watched Blacklist religiously and have never loved a show, movie, cast members, or writers anywhere near what we loved Blacklists’. We always felt we were truly part of it, and I spent many tearful nights being wrapped in the hardest times! When Elizabeth King died, a part of me died too. And when the bull killed Raymond, it was about the end for me. I prayed he lived & 1000 more episodes
LITERALLLLYYYYYY the BESTTTT SHOW EVER .. like EVERRRR !! im talkin like 1000000000/10 .. for the person that said “As for him being a transgender woman, please. Get a life.” everybody has an opinion BUT im gonna agree with those people !!! he was FOR SURE KATARINA .. but the show is AMAZING && EVERY SINGLE PERSON is AMAZING .. EVERYTHING about the show is fanFUKINtastic !!!!!!!!
Please post a Spoiler Alert at the top. I just started season 6, I should not have read this.
Absolutely the best series I have ever watched. James Spader was excellent in his role as Reddington. The range of characters created a chemistry that kept the show interesting. The challenge of the writers to keep momentum in every episode was nothing short of brilliant. The only thing that could have made it better would be to not have Elizabeth’s character so driven to get to the truth. It came across as a bit narscistic. High regards to the actors, writers, producers. Please make another series with Spader. Hollywood hasn’t made anything close to Blacklist. They need to get back to what the audience wants to consume and stop pursuing their failing attempt to persuade people to believe in their personal preferences. Give the people what they want to see. Let WOKE die alone in the trash where it belongs.
Best show ever who ever wrote the story did an excellent excellent job for me they all played good rules but my favorite is RED and DEMBE WE NEED MORE SEASONS ❤️ 💙
I watched it 4 times no lie it’s that good the way he tells his stories my favorite part of the show gotta love him
Great show, I’ve watched it multiple times.
I enjoyed watching the Blacklist..twice! Red was something else. He had a story for every situation and was always ready for action. There was always a twist in the show. I enjoyed all the characters!! Demby was truly a friend. I too heard that Reddington was Elizabeth’s mother, but there was nothing said in the movie to believe it. I didn’t like the way the show ended. It left my mouth opened and waiting for someone to come along, find Red, and continue with the drama. 🤓
Congratulations to the writers, Cameramen and everyone else involved in the making of ‘Blacklist.’ Job Well Done!
Good Night Raymond ‘Red’ Reddington! It has been a pleasure meeting you, if only for 10 Seasons! I look forward to reconnecting in the future. 💞💐💞
My favorite show. And sad to say goodbye to RED and team. Dembe 💞Dembe 💞love his calmness no matter the situation ♥️
I still say they shouldn’t have killed him. They should let him go into the sunset and dis appear in the clouds where he would live the rest of has life has a private citizen. So he could watch Agnes grow up from a far and still protect her. That’s just me I love happy endings.🧿🙏😇🔮❤️🌹TWP🧿
I didn’t like how it ended. They never showed who he was and why he came in her life. Just speculations
I would have watched it forever! I miss this show. What a great cast and story.
I actually was so disappointed with the way they killed off Tom Keen. He was one of my favorite characters & I was angry that they killed him off & so soon after they finally found true happiness together. There was no point for him to die at that point in time. Really sad about that.
It was a pretty solid show until the end of season 8. At that point things get very quirky with one of the main characters dying off and then there’s a big adult gender reveal. Yawn….
Really great show, for eight seasons.
I loved this show. It is one of the best! James Spader did a phenomenal job!
Hands down my favorite show ever.!!! I Netflix’d most of it, I didn’t really watch anything, besides the news, before getting addicted to the Blacklist, what a fantastic show.!!! I’ve rewatched the entire show 3 times and getting ready to watch it again!
My only regret is that I wanted to learn what the letter to Lizzy was about, it stopped her in her tracks and ultimately was the end of her, just think, if she’d not read that letter, they both been dead that night.
I fell head over heels I love with Red, his voice and demeanor was amazing.!!! lol, I haven’t been “Starstruck” by anyone since Joe Montana in his best years. 🥰🥰🥰
Thanks to the Blacklist for all the years of entertainment.!!!
Best show Netflix ever aired. Unfortunately,all great things must end. Show had everything except sex and foul language, which made it the best series I have ever seen. The actors were so great they and the show should receive and award.
Why have to end with Red killed by that way? So sad! I watched each season 2 times, except the last one, couldn’t watch it.
Blacklist is definitely in my top 10 list of all time best shows ever. I just finished watching the entire show about a month ago & it’s amazing how you become attached to fictional characters!! I miss Red. I also hated when they killed Tom off. My only complaint was I really didn’t like the ending…
Rewatching for 3rd time
Love Jelly Bean and Mr Kaplan.
Loved this series. Sure wish you could come up with a twist to bring it back
We loved this show but after Elizabeth was gone the show was not the same IMO.. Otherwise it was great with all of the questions about Red and his connection to Elizabeth.
We have watched the full series twice. James Spader is brilliant. We hate that you killed off Elizabeth. Entire cast is incredible. Ressler is a pain in the ass but he grows on you. The writing is superb. Love the senarios that the “Blacklisters” bring to the series. Will most likely watch the series a third time. 10/10 for us.
I have never watched a TV series ever in my life until The Black List. My husband and I watched it faithfully. I absolutely loved Redington’s character. James Spader was the perfect actor for this part. No one else ever could have done him better. I say Thank you to everyone who played in this show, you were all amazing and so believable. Thank you
The blacklist was my favorite show I did not miss an episode? My favorite characters were red Elizabeth and dembe and Harold? Of course I liked them all
I had already made comments on another thread but I want to emphasize that there was no cursing, sex in this series. That is shows me that a good series can be done without all of that and I commend the writer and the actors for pulling it off. There’s too much of that going on and everybody does not want a mouthful of bad language and sex. I loved all the characters. Red you out did yourself. Thank you for an outstanding series.
I’m on my 3 rd time watching the Blacklist, my all time favorite series, love it ! Here’s to the 4th time !
The Blacklist was one of my fave TV shows. I have watched almost 7times.. and still finds it interesting. I lenjoy every episode of it. I appreciate everyone who played a part in making it success. Thank you Highly recommended.
What a great-great serious I think blacklist is on my top 3 I’ve been watching blacklist since it started I’m on my ninth time watching it right now About every 9 months to a year I turn it back on and start all over I would like the producers the directors to make this happen again find Some Way to make a Twist and Bring It Back from the end of that series and Bring It Back and bring us More
Currently finishing up Season 4 now.
My grandson and I binged on blacklist and we’re totally hooked to this show. I rated 10 out of 10. Totally shocked at the ending, but we loved all the characters. The writers of the show did a fantastic job.
We loved this series. So exciting and keeps your interest. Very well written and the cast was excellent. Miss watching it. Was our highlight of the evening. Thanks
Something tells me it’s not over yet.
I don’t agree that Red was Restova. Not from the info on show despite others twisting meaning like Agnes saying “you’re just like a mom”
I love his show I hope they find a way to bring the show back Red is one special character love it
I’m one episode, Raymond is putting on his shirt and you see his back for an instant. It has massive burn scars. The current Red is the REAL Reddington. Why he tells Elizabeth he isn’t is explained in the letter which is not revealed to us.
Elizabeth wanted to leave the show that’s why she died.
I adored this show for the longest time. My daughter and I would watch each episode and then talk about all our favorite scenes. It started going sideways when we lost Tom, Liz, Samar, Mr Kaplan (my absolute favorite💜) and Baz. I’m sure there are more, I can’t remember everyone off the top of my head. Whereas in the beginning, I could convince myself “It could happen” when all these crazy scenarios happened, I just couldn’t convince myself that Dembe becoming an FBI agent in ANY country in the world, let alone the US was even remotely possible. That did it for me. I was so disappointed, because I loved the show, the secret of Raymond’s real relationship to Liz, which was never divulged, only implied (sort of).
It’s a one of a kind show. I loved it, until I didn’t, but that was Raymond’s way, wasn’t it.🤔
Blacklist is the best series ever, for all the reasons posted above.
I do not buy any of the sex-change b.s.
Red could never be captured or killed by the government.
He had to go out like he did.
Never cared for the Tom keen character and I think Elizabeth went over the top in her treatment of Red. I wasn’t upset when she was killed off because her character had become stale. (IMO).
I just finished watching all ten years over a six month period. The show was…intoxicating. In a strange way, it seemed every bit like reality. I was… physically affected with Elizabeth Keen’s death. It was sudden and unexpected. ( I can certainly understand why Megan Boone wanted to be home with her own child!). The way that Reddington went out was creative and also unexpected. It did seem to be a bit out of character for Reddington. He was such a survivor! All in all…I will use the word…captivating!
Please bring the blacklist back in loved the show
loved the show
I just finished watching this, my eyes were glued to my tablet..took the tablet everywhere to watch it.
F.Y.zi – This is my first time to ever comment on sites.
Thank you for sharing.
Fun fact
The character Ray Redington in real life was friends with JFK Jr in college.
Now you understand why some of the stuff in the series was put out there.. “The corruption”
Please please bring the Blacklist back it was an awesome show I’ve watched all the seasons at least three times I absolutely love it and they’re all great actors please bring them back
I started blacklist when they first air it on TV. I love it so much I name my first child kian one of the the character in the first, second, or third season. I’m so hurt they end it like this I’m hoping they give it a break than come back out with a bang…Liz ain’t dead tom not dead and Liz daughter going to take over watch and see now
Faithful Black List watcher since day 1, A total Red fan. The best series on TV by far.. I was broken hearted when it was rumored to be ending. It hadn’t dawned on me how many years I had been watching because it was so enjoyable I looked forward to it every week.
I believe this has been my all time favorite show. Great characters, style, suspence. To run for 10 seasons and stay so continually interesting…even during covid; for the minor times it lacked the overall quality makes up for it. 9.5 of 10.
This was my favorite show. I am going to miss all of the characters
Can’t wait to see what James Spader does next. Lots of 💕.
Love this show, just started watching last month as I heard about it from a coworker. For the author, i see you questioned how some commentors found your blog. For me it popped up in my google feed. I looked up one of the guest actors while watching an episode. Im guessing google remembered that and found your blog for me?
The Blacklist is so gripping. My husband and I are retired and have been binge watching all summer. We are now in season 9. I hate that Elizabeth had a short life, but we continue to faithfully watch. I now believe in a shadow government, look at people differently, and I realize things are not what they seem.
What is real?
What can I say that everyone hasn’t ready said? It is all the Great Words a person can think of . I will express that James Spader is one of the best actors of our time. You gotta Love Him
I got physically ill at last episode. I had grown to love him. I too, will watch again and again. Amazing acting/ writing.
It was a great show I will miss watching it. I absolutely loved Red and the other characters especially Mr. Kaplan.
I agree with most of my fellow Blacklist fans! The casting was spot on! And that is rare these days. Bingeable shows are few and far between but Blacklist topped them all and with the show’s longevity it gave us many fun hours! James Spader IS Red. Kudos to all!
Was a wild ride for sure. So many twists and turns. I have really enjoyed the show so far. I’m in season 7. Working my way through it all. Don’t understand why Megan Boone wanted to leave the show like that. She could have just left in a part time capacity and returned once in a while. But oh well…..
Come on guys if you haven’t figured out that red was Elizabeth’s mother you need to watch the show again it’s the only thing that makes since,love the show and will never forget it
My favorite show
It was on my Google News feed . Great post and insight.. I have been watching on Netflix and couldn’t bring myself to watch the last few episodes:( lol
Just imagine the person who watched this show week in and week out for 10-11 years while it ran, hating when each episode ended and could hardly wait until the next week. Don’t get me started on season finales and the breaks (then COVID)! I envy the bingers and those who haven’t started watching The Blacklist, but plan to, even more. Seriously good TV! I just started watching Boston Legal, which I had never really watched previously, just so I can pretend Raymond Reddington changed his name and got a new job and new friends. I’ve got it bad huh?!
Blacklist was always the reason why my Netflix get paid for . Right from 2014 till the last episode waiting for new episode every time always get me teary. This will always be my best.. Farewell Red