Christina and I watched Le Règne Animal (The Animal Kingdom) with my cousin, Suneelah, yesterday at the movies.
Truly, it was quite an experience for the three of us and, one day later, I am still thinking about what I saw and trying to make sense of it all.
On IMDB, the movie is summarised as
“An adventure between a father and his son, in a world where some humans have started mutating into other animal species.”
On Allociné, the synopsis is:
“Dans un monde en proie à une vague de mutations qui transforment peu à peu certains humains en animaux, François fait tout pour sauver sa femme, touchée par ce phénomène mystérieux. Alors que la région se peuple de créatures d’un nouveau genre, il embarque Émile, leur fils de 16 ans, dans une quête qui bouleversera à jamais leur existence.”
For me, the movie is a bit more than that…
Sure, it’s about the relationship between the dad (Romain Duris) and Émile, the 16 years old son (Paul Kircher). But it is also about how it is important to be surrounded by “good” people: Julia (Adèle Exarchopoulos) and Nina (Billie Blain). I always like to remember that one is the average of the five people he/she sees most…
What I also like is that there are not (very) bad people in the movie. Everyone is just trying to understand / cope / adapt. And it’s quite difficult.
One undertone of the film is that things might be happening because of global warming / climate change but no one truly knows. And it does not look like that a remedy will ever be found.
This is one true post-COVID movie. And you should watch it! Highly rated 8/10 by Christina and I.
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