Since stumbling upon this article in The Atlantic on whether old music is killing new music, I have been thinking a lot about the process we use to discover the wonderful albums being released today vs listening to the wonderful albums released before and which are (more or less) embedded in our minds.
This is true for music, but also for movies, TV shows, anything artistic in fact.
Of course, I love the wonderful albums of the past. But the wonderful albums of today are worth discovering too.
Personally, I rely on charts (e.g. on RateYourMusic), recommendation algorithms (Last.fm, Spotify, TIDAL and YouTube), and also what friends tell me. But this is far from being exhaustive.
For the past few weeks, I’ve been discovering a lot of very interesting albums (e.g. in avant-garde music or experimental electronic music) thanks to Roon’s formidable integration with TIDAL.
I wonder what kind of process you use to discover today’s gems?
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