I started using Last.fm in 2005.
Whenever I listened to a music track, whatever device I am using (my phone, a CD, Spotify, Roon, etc.), a signal is sent to Last.fm (this is called a scrobble) and, from there, I can get details statistics about my listening habits. Last.fm also recommends new music to me, based on the listening habits of the millions of people using this service.
As you can see, 2021 is the year I have listened to most music since I started scrobbling. I have reached 5596 tracks as of 9 November 2021 for an average of 18 tracks per day. This is quite a lot as it corresponds to about two albums of music every day.
When people ask me what I listened to, I am a bit hesitant to tell them that I listen to different kinds of music. The reason is that a lot of people who do not really care about music, well, listen to different kinds of music. But for me, I listen to different kinds of music because I care about these different kinds of music.
For example, I listened to a lot of electronic music in different genres: House, Techno, Trip-hop, Ambient, EDM but also New Romantic, Synthpop, Electroclash, etc. But, at the same time, I also listen to Jazz, Classical, Indian, Séga, Seggae, Reggae, Dub, Pop, Rock, Funk, etc.
Over the years, I’ve collected about 800 of the best albums in various genres and these are what I generally listen to at home on my dream Hi-Fi system or on my studio monitors using Roon. I use YouTube and Spotify to discover new artists, albums or tracks and all the ones I like find their way into Roon ultimately.
Here are the 20 albums which I’ve listened to most this year:

Of course, I like listening to my own music including my latest single, Bouncy.
But, as you can see, I’ve listened to Depeche Mode, deadmau5, Genesis Owusu, Billie Eilish (who is phenomenal for someone so young), Prince, Sandra (who I loved when I was 16!), Nirvana, Mark Ronson (who I have just discovered and, apart from being an excellent producer, does great music as well), Silver Apples (a mythical electronic group from the 60s), The Beatles (of course), Duran Duran, Elvis Presley (when my dad is at home and we’re having dinner together), Jan Hammer, Jessie Ware (very good electro) and Metronomy (which is a group I didn’t know and which I discovered through Last.fm).
I have been using Last.fm for 16 years now and I hope that it will continue to exist for the next 16 years.
And, most importantly, I hope that I’ll still enjoy listening to (and making) music for, at least, the next 16 years.
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