Here is a typical conversation between a Liverpool fan and a Manchester United fan in Mauritius:
ManU fan: Pas simple sa Liverpool là . 5-1 banne Arsenal ek 2-1 gagne baté ar li.
Liverpool fan: Péna problème sa. Nou pas intéressé avec FA Cup. La ligue beaucoup plis important.
ManU fan: Tane sa depi 20 ans. Dépi zot pa ine gagne la ligue.
Liverpool fan: Pas kas la tête. Zou pou couma nous asterla: 20 ans zot pas pou gagne narien.
ManU fan: To pé révé. Nou pou acheté 2-3 top zoueurs l’année prochaine ek nou pou bez toi… comme d’habitude.
Liverpool fan: Avec ki kas? To l’équipe, c’est l’équipe ki ena plis boucou dette au monde. De toute facon, zot péna défense et milieu donc pas zis 2-3 zoueurs zot bizin. Vidic pé al Inter.
ManU fan: To pé révé. To l’équipe pou ramasse ene mari baté ar nou l’année prochaine. Gerrard ine vine dada. Suarez népli pou là . 26 ans mo faire mari ek mo éna l’intention continié.
Liverpool fan: To pé koze n’importe. To bizin réaliste: to l’équipe faible et to entraineur péna l’expérience. Liverpool pé vine mari fort.
ManU fan: Nou va bez zot l’année prochaine. Nou va investi.
Liverpool fan: Ene ferfout. Mo l’équipe pli bon ki to l’équipe.
and, just after that, the fighting begins with insults being thrown, mums being involved and a lot of noise being made.
Sometimes, I ask myself why don’t football fans engage in more intelligent conversation about the evolution of the game, tactics, styles of play, potential signings, training routines, etc. Maybe that’s because a lot of football fans do not really know football very much apart from the latest gossips, results and, of course, their beloved team.
To be complete, I didn’t know a lot about football myself but I read two books and I learned a lot:
- Inverting The Pyramid: The History of Soccer Tactics by Jonathan Wilson
- Flat Back Four: The Tactical Game by Andy Gray
Let’s try to stop being insulting to each other. After all, this is just football. Let’s engage in meaningful conversation.
A friend of mine always tells me that religion is the root of most conflicts and I tell her no. My argument is that people are stupid enough to look for new excuses to fight and I use football fans as example. Remember Cadets, Fire Brigade, Scouts fans in Mauritius? I’m still amazed by the id@@ts who think bringing back old style football clubs will revive football in Mauritius.
Personally, I was happy when I heard that there was a possibility for the “old” teams to revive. I have fond memories of Sunrise (which I supported) vs Fire (which my brother supported) in my youth. Then I realised how people are still so communal in Mauritius…
Part of me thought it would be too dangerous to bring back the old teams, but part of me also thought that these were the good old days…just like “Intercollèges.”
What was good with the old teams was people were passionate about them, sometimes a bit too much even. And as long as things did not get out of control, watching a game live was such a wonderful experience.
Come to think of it, I have seen some wonderful games at George V stadium including the ones leading to the gold medal during JIOI 1985.