I pay Orange quite a lot of money every month to have a decent Internet connection. Theoretically, I am supposed to have a 1Mbit/s downlink and a 256kbit/s uplink. In other words, I am supposed to be able to download at a rate which is four times more than the upload rate.
Right now, this is what I am currently getting when trying to download and upload something on a server in Paris, France:
I am getting 0.13 Mbit/s (133 kbit/s, which is 7.7 slower than what I am paying for…) while getting an optimal upload speed of 256kbit/s.
With a server in the middle of the Silicon Valley, I currently get:
I am getting 0.18 Mbit/s (184 kbit/s, still 5.6 times slower than what I am paying for). The upload speed has remained at around 256 kbit/s.
For both servers in France and the USA, the upload speed is greater than the download speed I can get. So, for the first time in my life, let me ironically proclaim:
Uploads are quicker than downloads in Mauritius right now thanks to Orange. I’m sure this is the only country on the planet where we have this kind of situation. Hurray!
“Ile Maurice – C’est un plaisir” ;)
Actually on Myt the uplink is 384 kbit/s
Sure about that? I was under the impression that we had 256kbit/s… Doesn’t change anything in my rhetoric though: for the first time in my life, I’m uploading at a faster rate than downloads :-)
Actually Avinash, You might want to check your MyT status ( or whatever you use) and have a look at your uplink and downlink speed as advertised by your modem. I used to have this problem a lot, especially when I left the modem on during the day while being at work and what I found out was that by the downlink went down from 2mbps (If i recall correctly, you would get the uplink/downlink speed higher because its the speed from you to the exchange, not you to the internet) to a mere 382kpbs (or a number close to this).
The work around, if it is your case, is to simply reboot your modem (and sometimes you have to do it more than once…annoying I know).
At least you have Internet… :(
Anyway, I was having 198kbps download & 221kbps upload last Sunday. The typical weekend slowdowns.
Yes pretty sure about that :)
Check this speed test : http://t.co/NILoceI Getting atleast 300 kbit/s uplink , the maximum i have seen is 512 kbit/s which is available to business users. MT does not advertise it
Hi, I still don’t get the point with Orange Mauritius, but their infrastructure and prices are just ridiculous. Based on your article I did a quick check on Emtel WiMAX Professional (512kBit/s symmetric):
Frankfurt, Germany: Ping 282ms – Download 0.52 Mbps – Upload 0.31 Mbps
Palo Alto, CA, USA: Ping 434ms – Download 0.44 Mbps – Upload 0.19 Mbps
The ratio is 2:1 instead of 1:1 but still better than Orange/MT…
For the download I can confirm that during the whole day the bandwidth is constantly high compared to the services of MyT. As a result of that and due to the situation that we have 2 connections, we will discontinue the subscription of MyT 1 MBit/s these days. It’s just not worthy at all (anymore?).
Cheers, JoKi
.mu is a joke when it comes to bandwidth
Just done a test right now (Monday morning) and things are fine now. I am getting 1Mbit/s after a lot of suffering during the week-end.
Avinash, I get that speed on a 2MB connection on public holidays, Sundays and everyday between 6 pm and 1am. This is how rubbish Orange Mauritius is.
Anyway, I’ve a very important question. I’ve a 20mb wap package on mobile. I received a message telling me to send “STOP INT20MB” on 8684 to cancel it. But it DOES NOT work. I phoned the idiots and they told me that I needed to send it in small letters:which I did. But it still not letting me cancel my package. It just got renewed. Jeez Orange. STOP STEALING MY MONEY. Let me cancel my useless wap package damnit.
And what is ICTA doing in all of this ?
What could be the reason for such erratic connection by MT? How can they not guarantee minimal service (what we pay for) with all the huge resources at their disposal and also being one of the most profitable companies in MRU?
For 2010, MT claims the following:
“# The LION submarine cable, which came into service in November 2009, officially launched at the Terre Rouge landing station by the Prime minister in March 2010
# The EASSy submarine cable system in operation in July 2010
# 622 Mbps internet bandwidth added on to the EASSy submarine cable system to provide redundancy for internet traffic for Mauritius
# Increase of international bandwidth for internet from 3Gps in January to 4.8Gps in December”
If so much provision has been for International Internet Bandwidth over the past year or so, why is it that we still have internet bandwidth problems?So, where does the problem lie? Of course such questions will fall on deaf ears and we will continue to be iritated by our connections and can only rant about it.
Hello. Im having problem with myT. well I would like to extend my wireless. I have a myT livebox, a switch and my new Edimax Wireless Modem/router. The livebox is connected to the line on the RJ11 port and the RJ45 port is connected to a switch via a STRAIGHT cable. The Edimax Wireless Router (AR-7162WnA) is also connected to the switch via a CROSS-OVER cable. However, i have a pc connected to the switch with a straight cable which can surf on the internet. I connect to the Edimax via wireless on my laptop and can surf on the internet but wen i connect directly on the livebox’s wireless, i cannot surf on the internet.
Moreover, i have noticed that when i remove the Edimax wireless router from the switch, i can connect to the internet via my livebox’s wireless.
can someone help me plz?
Orange/MT but mainly France Telecom is milking Mauritians because sadly 70%+ of the connected population only cares about being able to get on their facebook account and checking gossips. If they try to load a video and it fails or stutters because of buffer underruns they just shrug and blame it on the moon and/or their crappy computer.
There’s no real competition at the moment at this price point. Emtel is solid with Wimax but last I heard is they had to increase their 128 and 256 packages because they were too low compared to MT (dictated by ICTA).
We all remember the half price internet fiasco where Orange basically told ICTA to stuff it.
The amount of stuff going on behind the scenes as far as internet distribution goes in Mauritius is insane and sadly there is a lack of people aware and that care for it to change at the moment.
Do a tracert, all your traffic goes through a gateway in Paris before going elsewhere (some IP’s can actually get direct connections on Asia though). Going from/to Wimax to/from Orange a packet will go through Paris Again, we know interconnections aren’t cheap and that gateway probably belongs to FT so more money down their pockets. We could at the least expect packets that are meant for national destination to remain in the country but that’s not the case – negotiations are taking place to make that a reality (why should there be any form of negotiations??)
The list goes on. We need to stand up at some point. Maybe it will start here… Keep up the good job Avinash
Btw over the week end the Business orange customers (at least me) had no issues whatsoever. So you can be sure that was not a problem with our international interconnection it’s how MT/orange has insane CIRs
@ ismail
Is the Edimax Wireless Router configured in Wireless Brigde/Repeater mode or Access point mode?
@ ismail
From what i read you want to extend your wifi , had the same problem with livebox to repeat signal with other routers , none worked well except a D-link one … a Range Extender the model is dwl-g710 … not difficult to setup at all but in the end it works well.
I work in Grand Bay and have MyT 4M here. During the day the speed is OK but EVERYDAY as from 7pm the speed is like for a simple 56k modem. Dunno what’s the speed during weekends. Questions: 1. Does MT thinks that work stops at 7pm ? 2. Do this happen on weekends also (during the day ? or from Saturday 12pm to say Monday 6am ?)
Enquête sur l’offre MyT : La Competition Commission invite le public à déposer
Great. Thanks for sharing!
my speed test results
That’s a lucky guy :-)
Just visit that : http://reunion.orange.fr/boutiques/internet/?utm_campaign=LiveboxRe and tell me what you think. I’ve got MYT 2M, and I don’t have issues that 1M have for downloads, except for browsing which are horrific(it gets down to 100kbps very often, specially on youtube). I always (90% time) get full 2M speed on paid flux:paid rapidshare & vpn. Full speed also available on free usenet(non powermode).
I’ve asked Orange why is Reunion offer so much better than for Mauritius as we are using the same undersea cable, they’ve answered that Reunion is a French Department! and deleted my post.
Ok, si la page Reunion n’a pas fini de charger, pour vous en faire baver:
Découverte: 2M:Rs912
Classik:20M:Rs1896 (yes, 20 megabits/second!!!)
Magik: 20M+Unlimited Deezer Rs2276 (free deezer in Mauritius using any free proxy & just connect to France/Uk)
Ok. Mauritius, Myt Decouverte 1M: Rs949
Myt 2M: Rs1500
Myt 4m: Rs2700
Reunion offer is as expensive, but speeds are MUCH faster. And, yes, Reunion is a French Dept, and those prices in Euros mean nothing to them, so we are paying More(with less purchasing power) for Slower speeds.
As far as I know, FT has to offer these prices in Reunion because of a French law which states that departments have to have the same kinds of services as in mainland France at more or less the same price…
I understand that MT does not make a lot of money with MyT. They do get a lot of money from businesses though.
Moreover, Orange Mauritius have placed a motion to the ICTA to prevent Bharat telecom from giving fast internet at low prices because they won’t be able to compete. That is why Bharat telecom is taking so long to launch because Orange Mauritius are doing all they can to stop them from competing on the market.
Any link to the motion?
Toujour Orange! Quan pa kpv faire 1 zafaire, met baton dan la roue ou voisin!
On a second note.
“Enquête sur l’offre MyT : La Competition Commission invite le public à déposer”
What happened to this ^^^^^^^
Hi anyone who can configure Bharat modem to expert mode, there’s loads of function into it to optimise specific functions but unfortunately no proper instruction manual or forums on their modem.
Hi, have you tried to ask Bharat directly?