It seems that Waka Waka has been censored in Mauritius and has not (yet) been shown on the local TV. I want to be subversive today: here is the incredibly popular (and commercial) Waka Waka for you:
Don’t watch it a lot though. Remember, it has probably been censored… Must be for a good reason. Maybe because Shakira sings badly, cannot dance and, dare I say, looks fat.
Weird… coz I saw it several times on our local tv…
Sure? I don’t watch MBC a lot…
I just read something on this in the local press yesterday and I didn’t really verify. I should have. Anyway, enjoy Shakira :-)
They must be unsure if this acceptable. In doubt, better go for censor :D
He he he… owned :)
Ximena Diego, the author of the book Shakira – Woman Full of Grace wrote in this book: “At thirteen Shakira especially liked Depeche Mode, an electronic rock band from Great Britain. One day she was listening to the band’s song, “Enjoy the Silence”. She noticed that she was not only hearing the music but also feeling the music in her body. She said to her mother, “Every time I hear that guitar riff [a rhythmic musical phrase] I feel this weird thing in my stomach”.
Pas dire moi :-)
Hum, pas compris pourquoi ça a été censuré à Maurice… ? Je viens de regarder le clip pour la première fois et faut-il y trouver quelque chose d’assez choquant ?
Apparemment le clip n’a jamais été censuré. Je me suis laissé tromper par un article dans un journal… Donc, ouf, ici, on ne censure que le film qui montre l’enfer de la drogue à Maurice…
She also ‘borrowed’ that song from
Ok. I get it now. Shakira is only the politically-correct wrapper. People act stupidly sometimes…