I live in Quatre-Bornes and, this week-end, we were victims of that stupid thing called 24/7.
My daughter, Anya, was still awake at midnight last night because, brace yourself, a concert was still on (at midnight!!!) at the Municipality of Quatre-Bornes and the noise was deafening (even though we were 1-2 km away…) Don’t the organisers know that kids should sleep early on Sundays to be fresh for school the next day?
What’s the purpose of organising a concert until midnight? The only reason I can think of is that the Human Resource Development Council knows that no one gives a s*it about that 24/7 thing and the only way to attract a few people is to have such a concert. But come on guys! On Sunday?!? At midnight?!?
I only hope the millions that are being wasted are going to be recouped one day. But I have my doubts… once more.
Wasting money with these things. Would have been better if they invest the money to make our days better rather than spoiling people’s night.
I also found it pointless to play music loud til midnight. And if I’m not mistaken, playing loud music after 10pm is illegal.. Do that at home and you’ll see what happens!! :P
Anyway, i feel that the 24/7 thing is a real failure. Hopefully it’s over in Vacoas and Quatre Bornes.
You’re both 100% spot on.
It’s pointless. And it’s a waste of money.
Ah Crap! they are only public wasting money. What they are showcasing is far from the real 24/7 concept, and * there are also some banners of PTr around in st Jean rd :D
Even it it were considered to be acceptable to hold a gig until that time, the whole point of 24/7 is to sensitise the nation to working on a 24/7 basis. I work in the call centre inudstry and am already well familiar with 24/7 – I was not in anyway impressed, and can almost guarantee that it will do absolutely nothing to help us recruit staff prepared to work after 4pm. Not only did this fiasco over the weekend completely destroy so many peoples weekends (mine included), it also served no real purpose. As far as I could see, very little was open except for retailers who will always open whenever there is a crowd – where there is profit, they are there – I may be wrong, I was stuck in a traffic jam. What it did achieve however was closing the town centre – always helpful for a 24hr economy, and making what should have been a 20minute journey home from work late on Friday night, take over 2 hours just to get through Quatre Bornes. Not amused
You’re both right. 24/7 is a stupid idea if it’s going to be done the HRDC way.
The 24/7 serves employers who want people to work on night shift, sundays, public holidays and not having to pay special rate. If they want people to work at night they have to ensure that they are confident that their families are safe at home. Based on what we’ve seen about law and order these days I have my doubts.
The 24/7 idea has to be voted the most stupid idea that anybody could ever come up with.
You’re right. The thing is that 24/7 is a means and not an end in itself. Organising a concert on that day is plain stupidity because this prevents you from deducing anything interesting about the kind of people coming and the amount of business done.