I am happy to announce the official launching of
As you can see, I have bought the meetoo.name domain (and .name is really a top-level domain like .com or .net!) I spent a few days thinking about what to host there, discussing with some people on Twitter (thanks Saajid!) and finally come up with what you can see above.
At first sight, the webpage looks simple but, in fact, making it has allowed me to learn a lot of new tricks. For example, the XHTML is fully semantic (look at the source to understand what I mean.) Layout is entirely done by CSS courtesy of a framework called Blueprint. And I’ve used Javascript to modify the targets of the images as strict XHTML does not support the target attribute. Furthermore, I’ve used powerful caching strategies which mean that all the images, scripts and CSS files are only downloaded once on the client no matter how many times the page is accessed. And the result is that the page is quick to load and is valid XHTML and valid CSS.
Naturally, clicking on the various images will send you to the various websites and social networking sites I like. Have fun exploring
My pleasure :D The website is great, simply great! :D
(That’s exactly what I’m planning to do with saajid dot com once I get the time :).)
Keep up the good work!
Thanks. It’s simple. And to the point :-)
congrats for the .name
“When I was a kid, I was a computer geek”
What about discovering internet for the first time, the pre-web 2.0 times?
@curiousEngine: I first encountered the Internet around 1994 in Réunion. At that time, there were only a few websites and we spent a lot of time participating in the newsgroups (NNTP) as well as downloading technical docs at a fantastic speed of 40 bytes per second!!!
And it was bliss :-)
congrats on new domain. you already encounted Internet in 1994, I was not yet born at that time :)
Don’t tell me!?! I’m that old?
btw avinash, you’ve been messing with my mind regarding open source.
so, i downloaded mandriva linux but having difficulties to run the installation. It’s running live only without offering my the option to install or to run it live.
So, I’m downloading Ubuntu 9.04 right now and hoping it’ll work good.
Why this drastic change..
simply because i used the windows 7 RC with a valid licence key for only two days before i revert to my old XP. but xp won’t be here always. it’s a fact.
better choose an alternative.
so, my next objective would be to familiarise myself with the new ubuntu environment.
congrats on the name ;)
Might be a wise investment, who knows ;) {*cough* .mu *cough* ;P}
And nice article in the saturday newspaper (ahhh cant remember the name…lexpress? will double check that ^^) abt open source. All the best Mr Meetoo :).
@Emmerdeur Have a lot of fun learning Linux :-)
@n!135h I wasn’t expecting that one article from L’Express Samedi. A journalist called me during the week and I had time to answer a few questions before my battery died…
I like the page. Simple while providing great resource on you.
But, I’d like to suggest a change. In the footer, should it not be “by Avinash Meetoo 1973 – Present”, rather than “by Avinash Meetoo 1973 – 2009”?
I’ll update the year on each 1st January :-)
Hello there,
You have a very interesting blog which I read from time to time to have a different perspective on what’s happening in Mru; I live abroad.
But why do you despise research? Working at UOM and doing research there seemed to be like a good job. At least on paper
Why do I despise research?
For exactly the same reasons as Mike Tarver. Incidentally, this issue has been acknowledged by the Association of Computing Machinery (which is the largest association of computer scientists in the world.) In the latest edition of Communications of the ACM, there is an editorial titled Conferences vs. Journals in Computing Research where the author writes:
In truth, I don’t despise research. I love doing research & development for instance. What I despise is writing papers with meaningless solutions to irrelevant problems because this is required by the system to be promoted. I just don’t want to be part of such a system.
““by Avinash Meetoo 1973 – 2009″”
:s that’s some weird tastes you’ve got
I agree with you about the publications. There are so much crap out there these days. Take a look at
But these days to get a decent job in academia, you just have to publish a lot. Like it or not.
Still being in academia is wonderful
Yeah. Being an academic is great… except for the criteria used for promotion (at least for me.) Someone fairly senior once told me (and I’m not joking): “Avinash, it’s great for you to have done so many things since you arrived but, unfortunately for you, none of them will earn you points for promotion.”