Liverpool Football Club has just announced that, as from the next match against Fulham, the Liverpool players will wear blue outfits (as too many people mistook them with players from a somewhat less successful club operating in the same country) and will be proudly sponsored by American International Group, Inc. (AIG)
Steven Gerrard, the captain, says: “I am delighted. Blue is easier to wash. And AIG is easier to spell.”
April Fool!!!!
I thought Red was THE colour of Liverpool and any other colour was only used for away games and the opponent also wore Red shirts.
Poisson d’Avril
hmm… todays 1st april.. lets not forget…
@ avinash meetoo, u can approve this comment later.. :P we shall see how many fall for it!
nice one!
April Fool? :P
hehehe nice one ;)
What was this meant to mean : ” Blue is easier to wash”?
Was it some sarcasm from his part? Makes me wonder…
I can’t think…damn :(
“Blue is easier to wash” was the most stupid reason to switch to blue I could think of. In the same vein as “AIG is easier to spell.” :-)
I’m vegeterian and ended up eating fish on 1st April :-(
Don’t tell me you believed what I wrote!
for an instant i said.. “wtf, isn’t aig suffering from losses, liverpool must be out of their mind to have aig as sponsor”!
Got you!
Haha.. nice one! lol
Keep dreaming about AIG!!! :P.. Bzw Liverpool has become wild.. Tough league now…
Dreaming about AIG?!?!?
Avinash, we’re on top of the table.
I sincerely hope that Villa does utd today.Even a draw will be fine but a Villa’s win will be perfect.
Rafa already shown the world how to beat utd and even Fulham backed the Gaffer. Now, hope barry and co can do the job.Plus, it will be nice for Barry to do the job if he wants to walk into Liverpool next season.
so pathetic!!lol
Liverpool will win this league title this season!!It’s April fool. Football is not a game for you guys but revenge. Liverpool fans are so overconfident, and its so disappointing.
Beautiful football playing is done only by Man Utd. Back on top to win the race.
Feel pity for you guys. You guys have no respect for the opponent. You are living on revenge, Man utd fans are cool and believe that their team can win the title because of their playing strategy. Can you believe it a reserved player has scored against Aston Villa? First match, first goal. Bzw some people dont know much about football and keep gossiping based on THEIR ‘partial facts’/small knowledge.
The above comment is from a typical Manchester United fan :-)
It’s hilarious.
your guest was rite, bzw i can see some kind of convulsive laughter!!! :) lol .. whatever!! The best team should win. [It’s obvious.] What say, am i rite?
enjoyzzz, bzw nice blog..
Cool…but still…poor guy, he didn’t even had the chance to even dream of holding a premier league cup. But don’t worry, we will win it this season!!
a bit late but …
not fare liverpool is th best m8s gerrard doesnt soot AIG