Google’s Gmail is down!
And this is a pain in the ass as I rely on it for my and emails! Let’s hope this is only temporary. Incidentally, this has made me think of something: can I work without email? The answer is no.
What about you?
It started working again after about 25 minutes!
It stopped again after 1 minute. That’s so un-Google like!?!
Check and you’ll be mesmerized by Twitter… but, unfortunately, it won’t make Gmail work again :-(
Gmail is back!
shit happens
yes shit happens….btw is this not the ubuntu version of firefox???
No. It’s the Centos version :-)
I have to admit that I’ve fallen in love with Centos. It’s perfectly stable (it’s just a recompilation of RHEL after all) and is very “tweakable.”
Hello everyone, I need some help concerning posting images to my blog.
Im actually at blogger, and i hate the way it post my images with the frames(and the image are clickable too!)
I the moved to imageshack, the image are not clickable, but it still shows a (blue) frame.
Is there an image hosting that dont display frames and that are not clickable? (dont tell me to host my own things and not use blogger)
It would definitely help if you could post your blog url.
The problem is with your template CSS which adds a frame to each image displayed.
Thank you carrot. (at least a visitor tried to help me), not as the admin of this blog who is lazy and old!
But not as stupid as you Hyeo. Now get lost and go find another blog to pollute.