Dear all, I am extremely delighted to launch the website of my brand new company, Knowledge Seven Ltd, which provides quality Linux and Open Source consultancy, support and training in Mauritius.
In fact, the name Knowledge Seven has been chosen because (i) I wanted to have something with Knowledge in it (2) I wanted to have a simple .com domain and (3) only was free ( as well as knowledge1 up to knowledge9 are all taken.) In a way, it’s kind of random but 7 is a nice number nevertheless…
And I don’t think Knowledge 7 has anything to do with Windows 7. Rather it has a lot to do Red Hat Enterprise Linux (and Centos) 5.2 which, when added, gives 7 :-)
Hey sounds great. I was wondering what you were upto since that post on entrepreneurs ;)
Your linux courses sound good – formal apprenticeship and certification can’t be bad, more details would be appreciated though (cost, duration, distro, certification body – importance, your infrastructure…etc).
The website design itself is quite good, although something other than text would be cool.
Anyway, wish you a lot of success – a breath of fresh air would be definitely great in that cyber island.
I’m looking forward to seeing how you fare on this journey – a techie startup in mru – two bold geekish adventurers, keyboards on their backs set on a daunting quest to conquer the cyberspace lol. Your success (if so it turns out to be) will inspire many.
Don’t worry about the content of the website. It will be enhanced over the next days. I intend to beef it up with more text as well as 1-2 relevant images to make it more appealing.
There’s one thing missing though: price. Most people, when visiting a web site, expect to find as much information as possible on the site itself.
I was thinking of something the other day.
I recently bought a new pc, and chose not to have any pre-installed OS. I thought maybe later I’ll get a genuine (no I’d rather not use warez, I pirate because I cannot afford licenses, but when I can I’d rather buy) vista license, but then realised that the Home Basic license costs Rs.3000+ and does not even include Aero – this is included in home premium Rs. 5000+. There’s no way am buying any of these. So I ended up with ubuntu (main os – Compiz rocks) and windows xp (for games), in dual boot.
My idea is, many mauritians do not realise how much they could save if they do not purchase a MS Windows license and instead used ubuntu (or any other linux distro) – instead of a genuine license you can get a better video card / hard disk / etc! Vendors also are reluctant to adopt it because of support.
Perhaps there is room here for a company *wink* *wink* to step in and propose such services to vendors – say a one year support voucher and perhaps 50% discount on training?
Just an idea here – it is already being done abroad with canonical providing support – perhaps it could work here?
I’m slowly adding more information (including pricing.)
To fluxy:
You are correct in saying that companies require professional-level services. That’s the whole point of me setting up Knowledge Seven Ltd :-)
Of course. What I mean is not only for companies. Why not sell support vouchers to hardware vendors (any IT retailer), for say Rs. 1500-2000? You provide them with a copy of the distribution to install. They preload it for their customers (Home end-user). If the customer requires assistance, he/she can contact your company directly. The voucher may be valid for a year, after which it can be renewed. The offer could include other services (mauritan based repositories/ new packages on cd’s/distro upgrades).
I know you will be mostly aiming for the corporate world, which is absolutely logical, still the proposition is not so bad. While corporate world represent a market with more money, the Linux Home User market is still an untapped one, and has potential for growth, given the high prices of Microsoft products and the need for a viable alternative.
– Consultancy: companies with mission-critical applications.
– Support: companies already using Linux.
– Training: anyone interested.
As Knowledge Seven Ltd is a new company, its marketing strategy will have, on the one hand, to establish its brand name and reputation, and on the other hand, to nurture the brand for long-term development. This is why we will develop a two-fold strategy, namely intensive customer acquisition in order to launch and sustain the company’s activities (direct marketing, media, web), and also intelligent customer retention programmes.
it sucks because if someone registered his company on the 30th of December, he still has to pay for that fee the coming month..and if we waited for 4 more days he wouldn’t have!!
that’s ridiculous!!!
Yeah. So many things to pay. But that’s the name of the game for all companies so I can’t really do anything about it :-)
[…] the classic ‘Love’ that we know, there is also the Love of Entrepreneurship. There are people who love to be entrepreneurs. If you fall in love, you completely become obsessed by the person. An […]
[…] 28 November 2008: Launching the Knowledge Seven Ltd website […]
Nice to hear that! Bon vent
btw why that name?
Best of luck for your new company.
Re-check the url – it’s
Congrats & best wishes for your brand new company.
Btw any relation with… Windows 7? ;)
Thats great :) your site design is very nice & simple
Concerning your company i would say its a great initiative you have done :)
Congrats ;-)
BTW, there’s a small typo error,
Let me be among the first to congratulate you on the launching!
Thanks for pointing out the typo.
In fact, the name Knowledge Seven has been chosen because (i) I wanted to have something with Knowledge in it (2) I wanted to have a simple .com domain and (3) only was free ( as well as knowledge1 up to knowledge9 are all taken.) In a way, it’s kind of random but 7 is a nice number nevertheless…
And I don’t think Knowledge 7 has anything to do with Windows 7. Rather it has a lot to do Red Hat Enterprise Linux (and Centos) 5.2 which, when added, gives 7 :-)
Sorry I forgot :-(
Thanks to all of you for your best wishes. I don’t know if my business endeavour will work out or not but I had to try… But I’m confident.
By the way, don’t hesitate to contact me if you need my services :-)
Bon courage and good luck!
Hey sounds great. I was wondering what you were upto since that post on entrepreneurs ;)
Your linux courses sound good – formal apprenticeship and certification can’t be bad, more details would be appreciated though (cost, duration, distro, certification body – importance, your infrastructure…etc).
The website design itself is quite good, although something other than text would be cool.
Anyway, wish you a lot of success – a breath of fresh air would be definitely great in that cyber island.
I’m looking forward to seeing how you fare on this journey – a techie startup in mru – two bold geekish adventurers, keyboards on their backs set on a daunting quest to conquer the cyberspace lol. Your success (if so it turns out to be) will inspire many.
Very nice… best of luck..
And Avinash you can charged your readers at a special discounted price.
10% more than the normal rates.^_^
Good luck with the company.May it be a great success.
Perhaps, I will turn towards you to learn linux..:p
Don’t worry about the content of the website. It will be enhanced over the next days. I intend to beef it up with more text as well as 1-2 relevant images to make it more appealing.
anyway all the best to you and your company. :)
May the force b wiv ya!
P.S : thought bout offering online services?
There’s one thing missing though: price. Most people, when visiting a web site, expect to find as much information as possible on the site itself.
I was thinking of something the other day.
I recently bought a new pc, and chose not to have any pre-installed OS. I thought maybe later I’ll get a genuine (no I’d rather not use warez, I pirate because I cannot afford licenses, but when I can I’d rather buy) vista license, but then realised that the Home Basic license costs Rs.3000+ and does not even include Aero – this is included in home premium Rs. 5000+. There’s no way am buying any of these. So I ended up with ubuntu (main os – Compiz rocks) and windows xp (for games), in dual boot.
My idea is, many mauritians do not realise how much they could save if they do not purchase a MS Windows license and instead used ubuntu (or any other linux distro) – instead of a genuine license you can get a better video card / hard disk / etc! Vendors also are reluctant to adopt it because of support.
Perhaps there is room here for a company *wink* *wink* to step in and propose such services to vendors – say a one year support voucher and perhaps 50% discount on training?
Just an idea here – it is already being done abroad with canonical providing support – perhaps it could work here?
To Patrick:
I’m slowly adding more information (including pricing.)
To fluxy:
You are correct in saying that companies require professional-level services. That’s the whole point of me setting up Knowledge Seven Ltd :-)
Of course. What I mean is not only for companies. Why not sell support vouchers to hardware vendors (any IT retailer), for say Rs. 1500-2000? You provide them with a copy of the distribution to install. They preload it for their customers (Home end-user). If the customer requires assistance, he/she can contact your company directly. The voucher may be valid for a year, after which it can be renewed. The offer could include other services (mauritan based repositories/ new packages on cd’s/distro upgrades).
I know you will be mostly aiming for the corporate world, which is absolutely logical, still the proposition is not so bad. While corporate world represent a market with more money, the Linux Home User market is still an untapped one, and has potential for growth, given the high prices of Microsoft products and the need for a viable alternative.
That’s a nice move… ;)
Best of luck… Hope to get more information about Open Source Software as well… :)
Thanks fluxy. I’ll give that a thought.
Congrats for the initiative and best of luck with the entrepreneurial spirit.
I am eager to know what are the marketing strategies (if any) that the company intends to take and what is its target market?
Target markets:
– Consultancy: companies with mission-critical applications.
– Support: companies already using Linux.
– Training: anyone interested.
As Knowledge Seven Ltd is a new company, its marketing strategy will have, on the one hand, to establish its brand name and reputation, and on the other hand, to nurture the brand for long-term development. This is why we will develop a two-fold strategy, namely intensive customer acquisition in order to launch and sustain the company’s activities (direct marketing, media, web), and also intelligent customer retention programmes.
sorry to be among the late ones to say congrats[ been out camping]
Congrats :p seeing that you’ve got quite a great program set up.
Well Done ! Good cruising and surf high !
All the best
Best of luck for your new company.
Good luck. Hope to maybe one day follow some courses with it.
So, how’s company going..
Don’t forget next month you have to pay your Rs2,000 Annual License Fee :) as from the 3rd of January
it sucks because if someone registered his company on the 30th of December, he still has to pay for that fee the coming month..and if we waited for 4 more days he wouldn’t have!!
that’s ridiculous!!!
Yeah. So many things to pay. But that’s the name of the game for all companies so I can’t really do anything about it :-)