How come our Internet connection is so erratic and so slow today? Who knows what is exactly happening? Is it acceptable in 2008 to have such technical problems paralysing the whole country? What are we exactly paying for?
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[…] had such a President in Mauritius, we would not complain at having Internet connection being as slow as molasses. One dream of the Mauritian Government is to transform the Paradise Island into CyberIsland, but […]
Indeed its horrible. I can’t get into or Local websites open quickly so I guess it concerns international ones only. How come I could get into your blog then?
Hello, I have experiencing the same thing. This isn’t acceptable at all. I called MyT and they told me that everything was normal and that I should have a virus on my mac (btw a virus on a mac is impossible!)… I really don’t know what to do!! :@
In fact I was getting quite a lot of problems yesterday… & my livebox just couldn’t connect to the internet between 00:00 & 01:00 today… :(
Been saying that for some time now.. ORANGE sucks..
Move along. Nothing to see here.
Nothing new from ORANGE u guess. Thats the image of the bluffing cyber island of the indian ocean.
I think there was a problem with the safe cable… Thus not being able to connect to their international DNS…
Well about the support thing:
My aunty who lives at Rose Hill just installed myT… And since then she is getting loads of problem…
At first the TV receiver was not working, then the livebox was not getting synchronised… She called myT and a lady picked up the called… My aunt said the light of the livebox keeps blinking… What do u think was the answer of the lady? “Ou browser ki pas bon, ou computer ki p fr problem la”
Is this a support???? LOL… It really made me laugh… just wanted to tell the suport people do not put just anyone there as customer support… Dumb people…
am having huge delays too >_> and some sites arent working
called myt and they put me on hold for 5minutes, i eventually hung up
dilo lor brede songe…. they don’t care man.
For orange, customers=cows
Five minutes wait and you hang up!? You’d be lucky to get to talk to a real person in under 15 minutes with the UK call centres.
1) Orange support sucks. I couldnt get a myT representative too. So I chose option 1 which is “support ligne fixe”, but still I could not get anyone at the other end. I tried again, this time, ‘ligne fixe, assistance commerciale”. Why the hell there is someone for “assistance commerciale” and noone for “information technique”.
Orange deeply sucks because, they care only for the money. Someone rightly said above, Dilo lor brede songe..
2) After a four hours, I managed to get sm1 on the line, and the lady told me: “Essayez de connecter sur” I replied that it works, and she told me that the connection is perfect, there is a problem with my router. Who the hell does his/her searches on
I guess the Orange technicians studied at the University of Mauritius..that’s why the network sucks that much!
Having worked there for some years, I can say that a substantial number of the students and academics are of a relatively high-level standard :-)
There are few real technicians at MyT. Most of the time, people with little knowledge in IT & Networks who work at the supports department. And thats why we get stupid answers like “ou browser ki p gagne problem” when the Livebox doesnt get connection.
Some dont even know the difference between Windows Xp / Mac / Linux / FreeBSD.
Do’t agree with Sandeep … period. All engineers at MT are mostly breeds with scholarships returnees and strong Uni back up. They know their dough from noodles. But can they fare where policy is still discrepent? Can they hash their greys cells when they are worried about how to pay their their pending loans on the latest Toyotas or ne house in QB? No. They just sadly turn into sponges imbibing the system’s deficiencies and be politicaly correct. After all, promotion is looming round the corner. Turning into dumb and lazy drags soon. Supported by untrained unsupportive staff, the can only deliver below garde services. BTW Check Orange’s performance and customer service from EU to the billionaires Caribbeans. I’ve been thru it and believe me guys, they suck !
That’s true. Most of the technicians were telephone technicians who got a little training on how to setup a My.T connection step by step. So if anything goes out of line, they don’t know what to do! :P
That’s what happened at my place… & fortunately I was at home to “help” the technician. ;)
Don’t blame the first level support technicians. They have been trained to give canned responses to customers who complain. Ask to have your call escalated to a technician. Mention the tests that you have done and provide the results to show that the problem is not on your side.
Its what I do and I get escalated to higher level techs who actually understand what is going on and give me real answers instead of “check your computer for viruses”
First of all, do we all agree that there was a major technical problem the other day?
Secondly, it’s a fact that those “support technicians” are relatively clueless about networking and alternative operating systems. I’ve called there many times and I’ve never been impressed by their “suggestions.” But what do you expect? There are trained to answer those grandpas and grandmas using Windows and who can’t connect to Yahoo! mail. Being (so intelligent) geeks, we are bound to be frustrated when conversing with them… But that’s life ;-) Like Ajay said, maybe we should ask to talk to a real and knowledgeable technician when calling there.
It is very sad for our Cyber Island to have slow internet connection..we should find a solution for that ……..
Avinash, they are trained to be parrots.Have you never noticed that each time you phones, they will ask you questions like:
eski ou ena anti virus?
eski ou ena firewall?
b disable firewall lerla dire si connection ok
or..switch off ur pc and after 5 mins..put it on again.
I still don’t know why I should switch off my pc when the livebox is being an idiot.
Once, I phoned to the customer care telling her that I can’t connect to any page be it local or international.Guess what she asked me to do?
open IE..{gosh..learn to say firefox}..ale lor address bar..type
I laughed on her face and told her she’s an idiot and I would like to talk with a non idiot.
The connection is slow on many occasions.And now it will be slower since we are in holidays.
@nasrullah –>We don’t live in a Cyber island.We live in a Call center Island.
@Tushal – You are the idiot. She is doing her job, which requires her to ascertain that you have followed all the troubleshooting steps before she sends out a technician. Of course, all of us would like to skip all that and ask for a technician to be made available to us, but are you prepared to foot the call-out charge of said [knowledgeable] technician? I think not.
@Eddy, No I don’t agree.I am not an idiot.
Primo, I don’t know if they have a list of how many times a client has phoned them.
If my memory is still as good as before, during the year 2007 I made more than 100 calls to myT customer care for issues concerning slowness, livebox not connecting and each time I’m told the same lines again and again despite that they ask you your phone number first.
Secondo, sending a technician?LoL.
@Tushal – “Secondo, sending a technician?LoL.”
If they do not provide the level of service that you have been sold, why have you not cancelled your contract with them?
It may look like I am repeating myself here. If you do not get the level of service that you agreed to, you must get out of the contract and find an alternative. A contract needs to be fair, so there is ALWAYS an exit for either party. As a last resort, a court will resolve any dispute (the judicial system being the ultimate referree). On the other hand, if you knew what you were getting into, then there is no reason for whining. (Even then, you can exit a contract if you can be arsed enough, which would not be the case if you were expecting things to be a certain way.)
The above applies to everything in life.
@Eddy–>I canceled the contract and switch to another ISP.
@Tushal – Good for you. I hope that was not a knee-jerk reaction and you understood that by “alternative” I meant “better alternative”. There would be no point moving to the crappier Nomad service, would there? :-)
Now, if only more customers would do the same, Orange would eventually realise that they are doing something wrong and start fixing things.
We are now in 2009. Mauritius is ranked 197 in internet speed lol. Bane engineer la pas engineer sa…pareille couma mechanicien..bane bricoler sa.. karer rente dans ene trou karer ..rond rente dans trou rond…zote nek sayer ek pas 100% coner ki pou ariver. mrice so internet disgraceful comparer r bocoup pays. la reunion meme so internet pli bon.
We rank 193 now – WTG
Here are some interesting stats about internet access around the world:
Interesting to see how low we compare to the rest of the planet. For example in Japan, internet connection cost 27 US cents per Mb. Here it’s around US$50…
Someone in France pays $1.50 per megabit per month whereas, here in Mauritius, we pays $50 per megabit per month (that’s 30 times more.) But, once again, it’s because of the distance between Mauritius and the major datacenters. If we had decent hosting facilities locally, we would have benefited from the 2 megabits/s that MyT allows.
Who wants to set up such a business in Mauritius?