Well, guess you’ll have to wait till January before he starts cleaning things up. This is a real change in the USA’s and the World’s story and I think that we should recognize the American nation’s intelligent choice for once. Let’s now wait and see how things will change.
Although Bush appears to be an idiot, there are times when he reveals he is really rather more shrewd than most give him credit for. That said, do we really believe that he set the agenda for his presidency? And if he did not, will those behind the scenes really sit back and watch Obama dismantle the interests they laboured hard to build up?
A good starting point to understand the forces at play in global politics and economics – without drifting in the fantasy land of conspiracy theories – is Naomi Klein’s book “Shock Doctrine”. It explains really well, for example, why most blacks in South Africa are now worse off under the ANC than the apartheid era. Nelson Mandela is a great man – and I doubt Obama will come close to his stature as a statesman – but for the average black any change that he brought about was short-lived at best.
Will Obama really make a difference? It will certainly appear so, but it will be immensely difficult for him to swim against the tide and bring profound and lasting change. The interests vested in the status quo will simply not let him.
That said, the current crisis in the global financial system may well motivate these people to change their strategy. I doubt it though, looking at how they have obtained public money to support some of their critical businesses. To make them realise that it is in their interests to look after the interests of everyone else and the natural eco-system upon which our economic system is fundamentally dependent, things will have to get much, much worse…
Yeah! At least now we won’t get to see that bastard Bush
Well, guess you’ll have to wait till January before he starts cleaning things up. This is a real change in the USA’s and the World’s story and I think that we should recognize the American nation’s intelligent choice for once. Let’s now wait and see how things will change.
What if Al Gore had won 8 years ago… ;)
sits and watches at what will happen…
Although Bush appears to be an idiot, there are times when he reveals he is really rather more shrewd than most give him credit for. That said, do we really believe that he set the agenda for his presidency? And if he did not, will those behind the scenes really sit back and watch Obama dismantle the interests they laboured hard to build up?
A good starting point to understand the forces at play in global politics and economics – without drifting in the fantasy land of conspiracy theories – is Naomi Klein’s book “Shock Doctrine”. It explains really well, for example, why most blacks in South Africa are now worse off under the ANC than the apartheid era. Nelson Mandela is a great man – and I doubt Obama will come close to his stature as a statesman – but for the average black any change that he brought about was short-lived at best.
Will Obama really make a difference? It will certainly appear so, but it will be immensely difficult for him to swim against the tide and bring profound and lasting change. The interests vested in the status quo will simply not let him.
That said, the current crisis in the global financial system may well motivate these people to change their strategy. I doubt it though, looking at how they have obtained public money to support some of their critical businesses. To make them realise that it is in their interests to look after the interests of everyone else and the natural eco-system upon which our economic system is fundamentally dependent, things will have to get much, much worse…
Yes We Can !
The cool stuff is that Obama is a “high-tech” President. Quote from news:
Obama devient le premier président expert en informatique
« Obama aime la technologie et s’il l’utilise tellement bien, c’est qu’il la maîtrise parfaitement, » relève Rob Enderle, du Enderle Group, dans la Silicon Valley. Barack Obama devrait apporter avec lui à la Maison Blanche sa passion des technologies de l’information, qu’il a su utiliser avec brio pendant sa campagne électorale. Il devient ainsi le premier président expert en informatique à la barre du pays. 91% des salariés du temple de l’informatique californien ont voté Obama. «La Silicon Valley a énormément misé sur Obama: des millions de dollars,» explique M. Enderle. «C’est le président qu’ils voulaient.»
Source: Nuovo