Everyone with half a brain want Barack Obama to become the President of the United States of America next week.
76 American Nobel Prize winners are convinced that
Senator Barack Obama is a visionary leader who can ensure the future of America’s traditional strengths in science and technology.
The New York Times editorialist writes:
The United States is battered and drifting after eight years of President Bush’s failed leadership. He is saddling his successor with two wars, a scarred global image and a government systematically stripped of its ability to protect and help its citizens — whether they are fleeing a hurricane’s floodwaters, searching for affordable health care or struggling to hold on to their homes, jobs, savings and pensions in the midst of a financial crisis that was foretold and preventable.
As tough as the times are, the selection of a new president is easy. After nearly two years of a grueling and ugly campaign, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois has proved that he is the right choice to be the 44th president of the United States.
The Economist also endorses Barack Obama:
America should take a chance and make Barack Obama the next leader of the free world.
The Economist does not have a vote, but if it did, it would cast it for Mr Obama. We do so wholeheartedly: the Democratic candidate has clearly shown that he offers the better chance of restoring America’s self-confidence.
Even that bastion of capitalism, the Financial Times, wants Barack Obama to win:
A campaign is a test of leadership. Mr Obama ran his superbly; Mr McCain’s has often looked a shambles. After eight years of George W. Bush, the steady competence of the Obama operation commands respect.
Nor should one disdain Mr Obama’s way with a crowd. Good presidents engage the country’s attention; great ones inspire. Mr McCain, on form, is an adequate speaker but no more. Mr Obama, on form, is as fine a political orator as the country has heard in decades.
The challenges facing the next president will be extraordinary. We hesitate to wish it on anyone, but we hope that Mr Obama gets the job.
Of course, there are still lots of people with less than half-a-brain in America and they can still theoretically tip the balance towards the Republicans.
Personally, I want Barack Obama to win for a very selfish reason. If he wins, he is bound to inspire countless of intelligent, honest and hard-working persons over the whole planet to get into politics in order to make the world better.
What I really want is for such Mauritians to get into local politics. Mauritius deserves more competent people.
Alé Barack!
Indeed. However, the other camp wants you to hate elitism and feed all kind of lies to you. 26.3 Million people watched the commercial (ref. to your pref. post.) live. Obama rallied 45000 people in Florida. Check this out:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/28/obamas-day-in-the-rain-ph_n_138677.html
He is winning! Yay!
It really depends on the Americans. It is they who vote irrespective of what the rest of the world wants. See what happened to John Kerry.
I am also convinced Barack will bring on some sanity in this world. Alé Barack! This said I am really not aware of his stance with respect to AGOA. Any ideas?
@Kailash – You can read more about this here -> http://www.agoa.info/?view=.&story=news&subtext=959
I believe that Joe Biden will be the one advising him about foreign policies. He’ll rely on his VP because of the latter has a lot of experience in this area – so we learnt from his campaign.
The circumstances of the 2004 elections were different as the ones now. Back then, people still believed in the Mission Accomplished crap, for e.g. The Democrats were not the majority at the senate during the 2004 elections and won later on.
“What I really want is for such Mauritians to get into local politics. Mauritius deserves more competent people.”
For this to happen the existing political parties should be completely eliminated. The very rare competent peole who are in politics have a hard time getting their ideas through dumb colleagues.
Competent people work in the sector they are best in. Incompotent ones go into politics ….
I would love that Barack wins but after watching in the news that because he’s black, because he’s prone more to the Arab world rather than giving 100% support to Isreal makes me sceptical.
Regarding the Isreal issue, I watched a report today on France24 on TNT where they interviewed a Priest who admits that McCain is not the best candidate but since the Republican has always supported Isreal, and because THE JEWS ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE as stated in the bible (i’ve not read it, perhaps someone could comment), that’ll make us better Christians (I’m not being anti-semite or whatever; I just want to expose this archaic and barbaric reasoning behind).
Even lots of democrats say that they’ll vote for McCain because the latter is White. Dude come on! What’s this nonsense?!
The Republicans have always prone terror and War. If they win, I guarantee an invasion of Iran within one year of this coming election after a well orchestrated terrorist attack somewhere.
That doesn’t mean the democrats won’t create a war somewhere but I prefer the imposing pacific attitude of Obama because even Jimmy Carter the Noble Peace Prize Winner, a democrat stated that The US will get into a country if needs be by force, to get the resources needed for the well being of its people ..or survival a wording like that he use..(i used different wordings, but the statement was that).
To summarise, it’s the man I like, not the party! It’s the man who will for sure change geo politics in the coming 4 years.
Emmerdeur, I stopped reading your post after “because he’s prone more to the Arab world rather than giving 100% support to Isreal makes me sceptical.”
If that were true, what’s wrong in being more prone to the Arab world and not backing Israel? I don’t want to go off-topic but you sure can compare maps of shrinking Palestine over the last decades. Notice the shrink? Can one condone Israel or any other nation for anything it does?
Barack = works for the hardworking middle class and promote the free market, get the money of the people back to them despite the so-criticised “socialist” behaviour of “spreading the wealth around.” Note: The banks are already nationalised in the US – that was the bail out plan.
If you want to know more of foreign policies, then read more about Joe Biden. He’s the one who will probably handle foreign affairs from behind the curtains and Barack will learn a lot from him and be a good leader.
Shah you’ve completely misunderstood me or rather I wrongly phrased this part. I didn’t say that, it’s that priest I mentioned in the paragraph after. Yeah sure, I wrongly phrased it! :s
The US is governed by Jews; how can you expect this State to back up the arab world!
Again, I’m not pointing my fingers towards the RELIGION, but against the State of Isreal!
Avinsh, being an atheist, I’d like to ask you how to you perceive someone/country fighting over religion? Sounds nonsense? How does it feel not to pray everyday? Liberating? Light? No deed to account for towards someone?
Your sentence is alright – like I mentioned, I didn’t read the entire post.
“The US is governed by Jews; how can you expect this State to back up the arab world!”
Through trade, tourism, diplomacy to maintain peace with the help of the Arab League. US needs the Arab League. And Israel has shown interest in the peace “programme” proposed by the Arab League State.
The “which country to back up” thingy all depends on economic conditions, peace, trust and what is the gain in “backing” a country.
However, the thing is – Obama has made it clear (and he said it several times) that Israel and US are meant to stay on friendly terms and he wishes that Palestine keeps viewing Israel as a Jewish state. – meaning the war there, will go on, but Obama will deal with most foreign issues using diplomacy, so.
I just stumbled onto http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1417423198/bctid1890029878
Watch the video. (‘religion-related’)
the Financial Times :
Definitely I’ll have to agree with you, he does inspire and has what it takes to be a great leader.
But then, i won’t be cheering him up for the sake of keeping my neutrality in political issues :p
@Emmerdeur: You are a major idiot.
LOL, what the F**k has arabs and jews got to do with this, basically you are proving that you are just an idiot of a racist :p.. ohh well, you can ofcourse think any ways you wish, its your right :) but the more you think this way the more i’ll flame you… its my right :D
Dude you’ve got a problem with jews??
And why should the US be backing Arabs or anyone else [for nothing]??
And why are you so interested in arabs? Arabs are rich dudes :p you are just a bloody mauritian who isn’t rich and who in his head thinks he is in some way affialiated to arabs :p wake up dude, you are a mauritian and when you’ll get trashed, most probably its a Mauritian who will come to your rescue [if you are in mauritius].
You should read this[read the some days ago]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_affiliations_of_United_States_Presidents