I’ve just come across a new mashup called Nouzil.com which combines information from various sources (e.g. L’Express, Le Défi, CanalSat Maurice and the Mauritian blogosphere.)
One impressive aspect of this mashup is the fact that it offers a pretty slick Ajax user interface (for a 1.0 product) and this is a direct consequence of it being powered by the Yahoo! User Interface library:
The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources. All components in the YUI Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.
I know there are a lot of people who discount Javascript as a powerful programming language. I guess they should read David Flanagan’s excellent book:
Thanks for the share! Nouzil.com came into existence just 2 days ago!
That’s indeed a great mashup portal a la Netvibes! I hope we’ll be able to add more widgets in the future! :)
I love Javascript. I even made games in it. lol
I really like the CanalSat widget on Nouzil. I wonder where they get their schedules from because its a lot faster than canalsatellite-reunion.com…
I love javascript equally, specially when i look at the codes of those who think they made a nice secure thing to supposedly have encrypted a music player :p
What are you referring to?
the indian music websites which offers music to listen via a player, but then you are supposedly thought to buy the music, which i find weird as to why they are giving the user it in the first place.
He meant he downloads the embedded audio files. It’s a common practice.
JS rocks. Again, I’ll refer to http://azarask.in/projects/algorithm-ink/
Well, its nice to see more mauritian presence on the web other than blog. However, I must say there is still lot of work to be done on the portal, should contain more useful content and allow a user to customise his own page just like igoogle (maybe that’s where the user had this idea). Otherwise, the owner was in a rush to try to generate income from adsense. Hope we will see some changes in terms of content soon for people to really see the need to bookmark this page…
:p lol isn’t that shah m fadil aka yourockmysocks :D, dude, you’ve ran away from that nick or what?? been a time
Yeah, the adsense ad spoils that great portal… :(
Hey guys
Thanks for your comments, and we are pleased to announce we’ve removed the Google ads and replaced it by a delicious widget. ;-) You can customize it to see our own bookmarks too.
You feedback is the most welcome.
nouzil.com team