I don’t know why but I really feel that 2008 is going to be great!
Sure, ADSL in Mauritius will still be slow. And I don’t think our car will be repaired. It’s also possible that other popular websites will be censored. And I don’t really know if the large cohort idea will work in the long run at the University.
But, personally, I am just happy to have a great family! I love being with Kyan, Anya and Christina and we really really have a lot of fun together. And Christina and I have big plans for 2008.
I am delighted that around 400 persons read my blog daily and around 50 of you subscribe to my feed! That’s extremely satisfying!
So big thanks to you girls and guys! I wish you all a very happy new year 2008!
Happy new year to you and your family. May the year 2008 bring you all the the best.
Hello Avinash
Well, I’m one of those 400 people who regularly read your blog :-) and also recommend it to others.
I like your positive attitude towards life and 2008, in fact you remind me of the “Happiness Formula” program which was voted as one of the best documentaries for the year on BBC world service. We’re sometimes too keen to compare what is available elsewhere and forget to appreciate the immidiate things besides us.
Let me wish you and your family a, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 2008.
ps: Let’s hope ODF will be adopted as the de facto document standards in Mauritius :-)
Wow, me too feel that 2008 is gona be a great great year for me.
Wish you all a Happy New year 2008 !!!
Wish you all the best for 2008 Avinash, well i have just started my new blog its about poems & all written by me
Wish someone checks that & leave some comment :) otherwise am planning to start an offshore web-designing company in Mauritius :)
cheers & wish you all the best :)
Greetings :)
I wish your family and you all the best for 2K8 :)
You shall rock.
May 2K8 be a blessed year for The Meetoos and all of us.
*counting down the seconds*
Happy New Year 2008.
happy new year to u and ur family
i am pretty sure it is indeed gonna b a great year for all of us..
Hmm… you really are a fanatic .. you just couldn’t resist to put a bald smiley on your blog to wish new year huh? :p hahahaahaha
Happy new year dude, Period to be high, been high since the 31st..yuuuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.This year is going to be soooo crazily bad for me that i just can’t resist to smile at it.
Yeah. I belong to the rave and acid house generation. Hence my use of smileys everywhere :-)
huh.. that would be really.. weirddddd to see avinash meetoo breakdancing in a party. Or avinash meetoo being doped on xtc, that would be a scene worth watching. hahahahaha
Wow! Did Acid House not turn into Trance+Techno? You need a padded room which offers good reverberations, good audio systems, and something cool to drink. Dance and move according to the rhythm (it’s not just the rhythm, it’s the background electronic-like music as well) until you don’t even know who you are or what you’re doing! Awesome!
*sticking smiley* (don’t stick it in Boston though lol. oh well, you’re not located in Boston. -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Boston_Mooninite_scare )
House and Techno are different “kinds” of electronic music. House is more “primitive” but more organic and relies a lot on the infamous TB-303. Techno is more technical and is the spiritual descendant of whatever Kraftwerk did three decades ago…
Have you checked my musical taste?
What do you personally like?
(As an aside, I’m bored with what the radio broadcasts today. This is causing some irreparable damage onto kids. The other day during a party, I put Funky Shit from The Fat of the Land by The Prodigy and some 19 y.o. kid told me that the music was crap and readily put some Claude François Dance Remix!!!
This troubles me a lot ;-)
Thanks for explaining the difference. House seems interesting. I’m transferring The Fat of the Land from someone’s hard drive to try. I guess it’s going to be good.
I love pop, and am currently listening to Tah Dah from Scissor Sisters.
The musical taste is changing (not for the better, I believe. It’s subjected to regression instead of evolution) BTW, Japanese pop are still good (wish I understood the words though).
Do you know of any House genre albums worth listening to? Thanks.
“Ecstasy! Ecstasy! AAAACIIIIDD!!!”…(hook line from the classic track “Rock To The Beat” by 101/Kevin Saunderson)
I still remember those hypnotic tracks containing lots of squelchy filtered bass lines from Roland’s TB303 and thumping 4-on-the-floor TR909 kicks…
Can’t imagine Avinash high on XTC! He’ll be coding like hell while dancing!! Hehehe…Though I’m sure he needs no drugz to get high: any Linux, Apple or geek toy will do the job! ;)
Strictly speaking though, House, Trance, Techno, Drum ‘N’ Bass and all the other electronic dance music sub-genres have considerably evolved since their mid 80-90s debut, while at the same time going very mainstream and radio-friendly.
Agree…Too bad most of the music that gets local radio airplay these days doesn’t reflect the creativity and diversity that exists in the Electronic scene…No wonder most people associate electronic music to only DJs and other insipid material they hear daily…
P.S: Avi, did you find time to check the Porcupine Tree DVDs?
To Ames:
Mind you, The Fat of the Land is not really house. It’s pure techno with an emphasis on big beats.
As written on Wikipedia,
Some modern DJs indulge in house. David Guetta does house. As well as Roger Sanchez…
To David:
I fondly remember “AAAACIIIIDD!!!”. I never took any but we were always shouting AAAACIIIIDD!!! whenever we listened to artists like Yazz :-)
I know I’m getting older but I’m also a renowned party animal (is that the term? I want to say metter nissa…)
As for the quality of music decreasing, this is because radios only play commercial music which is not meant to be good or original. The real artists are staying underground. In a way, I’m thankful for this MP3 revolution as it has allowed me to listen to artists which are inexistent in Mauritius…
I was reading Week-End Scope yesterday and Eric Triton said: “I would like to listen to some nice music in the morning on my radio instead of always techno”. I understood the point he made. But Mauritian radio does not play techno! Rather it always play this insipid commercial dancy pop music…
Yes David, I’ve enjoyed the Porcupine Tree DVD. I’m currently installing my old pair of fronts as surround speakers. I’ll use that DVD to do the calibration :-) Thanks once more.