Yesterday, I met Gilles Granger, the founder of Vinivi, a Web 2.0 startup in Mauritius. We had a very nice discussion on Web 2.0, the (lack of) bandwidth in Mauritius, entrepreneurship and passion.
His company, Vinivi, specializes into “unbiased hotel reviews and ratings by travellers”. Its website uses all sorts of Web 2.0 APIs like the ones provided by Google Maps, Google Earth, YouTube, etc.
Gilles Granger is looking for junior and senior developers to work at Grand-Baie where the company is based. For some obscure reasons ;-) , Vinivi uses Microsoft technologies (.NET / IIS / SQL Server)
I’ve set up a Job Opportunities section on the CSE website of the University of Mauritius. You’ll find some additional information there.
So, I guess you won’t be applying. :)
i have been there for interview and the company is :) among the best in terms of technology used in their web site,…
i have been “bouche-bee” when i learnt all the technologies but unfortunately at uni, we learnt nothing that can help us there, so, those getting the jobs will have to learn a lot, LOT !
To Stéphane:
To Yashvin:
Gilles Granger told me that he is not looking for expert Ajax / .NET developers but rather young people with passion and talent…
ya, thats wat he told me too, someone who is willing to take challenges n get the work done in a specific time period…
just like php mysql has been introduced this year, perhaps in the future, some introduction to ajax can prove to be a plus for those wishing to pursue in web development.
just sent an application letter there..
hope to get a response soon
Thanks Avinash for the post and the nice chat.
Yes Avinash and Yashvin, we are ready to train passionate people who wish to get their hands on nice technology…not open source yet, though ;-)
He needs someone who can convert the layout to use CSS ;-)
I see very few sites out of Mauritius that aren’t table based.
Maybe some industry people could be invited for the final year presentations..
Yes Vicks. When I was at MCCI, this was mandatory. Every student was evaluated by two academics + at least one person from industry.
This can also be done at UoM. A possible problem is the number of students though…
yea.. but making it mandatory at uom would be quite difficult for the obvious reason that you mentioned.. too many students..
But taking vinivi for example, they might be interested in web projects.. maybe those developed using .Net while others might be interested in J2EE developers..
maybe they can choose to presentation they would like to attend
OR even better maybe in the years to come final year projects coming from the industry might be considered :)
@ shane: agree on default page, but check out the inside pages, you will find DIVs and CSS…
By the way, the initial layout was done in Mauritius, that’s why. Now we have to get people from Europe, so if you can do the trick…write me.
To Vicks:
FYI, as far as I know, all new undergraduate programs to be launched at CSE or IIT will have a mandatory work-placement for the student to do… which is a good thing.
Of course, this means that the student will have to find the work-placement by himself/herself!
To avinash and Vicks: and Vinivi definitely looks forward to having students do original projects with us…
Personally, concerning local sites which use tables, I’am trying to eradicate the ‘table’ culture at Servihoo, and slowly we are going in the right direction. Our latest revamping of the turf section in Servihoo goes in this way, together with the use of the terrific YUI! Library, prototype & scriptaculous. ;-)
Hi Gilles, I’m based in Australia. I’m not really interested in picking up xhtml/css jobs. I’m mostly interested in backend and javascript/ajax development. Drop me a line if you require a contractor for this and we can have a chat.
At last there are are mauritians that are seeing the possibility that are offered by the Internet.
When we see the number of entrepreneurs on the web abroad this is just amazing whether in the field of design or seo.
Hi to all; We are also looking for young talents to work in Grand bay. Webmastering, Social network, php , aspx, progrmming, multimedia.
We give a lot of importance at profile & character rather than qualifications as we are also a small business and cannot afford staff turnover (people changing jobs often for a few Rupees.)
Any one feeling in line with this is welcome to contact me.
Bernard Cayeux
Exportal Ltd
dommage jhabites un peu trop loin de Grand Bay
I REPEAT(its out of subject for your post but..!): Hello everyone, I need some help concerning posting images to my blog.
Im actually at blogger, and i hate the way it post my images with the frames(and the image are clickable too!)
I the moved to imageshack, the image are not clickable, but it still shows a (blue) frame.
Is there an image hosting that dont display frames and that are not clickable? (dont tell me to host my own things and not use blogger)
I know Vinivi alot and they are performing very well on the web specially in france. I worked on in the past and both websites are considered now as search engines and both are using plenty of Open Source codes and APIs for rapid development and reliability. One use PHP while the other use .NET (i wonder y??? :S)
Concerning web 2.0:
Last time i was talking to a webmaster as i noticed that he is still using tables in his tables. Very few DIVs only where he is using some Open Source sripts. Therefor I asked him why is it so. (BTW – He is a very good webdesigner & coding)
His answer was astonishing!!!!!
He told me when he learned HTML, he was taught how to design using tables and therefor he is still using tables after 15 yrs :S
Another small story :
We were working on another big web project and there was 13 PHP/mySQL/testers/debuggers … and i was most stunned to hear that out of the 13 ONLY me knew web2.0 , using CSS2.0 … And mostly they knew barely about SEO !!!
As we see many Mauritian websites are built in tables :S
I got the chance around 4 years back to a Franco-Canadien who outsourced to us a project and he introduced us to Web 2.0 and Semantic HTML + CSS.
All the template are controlled by pure CSS (Only DIVs were used)
By that time i was responsible for the designing of CSS and building Semantic modules … Damn it was hard as browser compatibility (specially IE6.0) but we found IE hacks and using different CSS for IE,FIREFOX …
Now since then i always use DIVs and CSS to control the DIVs :)
En passant bonjour à Fabio et l’equipe de Vinivi :) Keep up the excellent work!!!
@shailen : can you contact me via e-mail please ? A few thoughts came to my mind…
Gilles …
Okie i will get ur email through Fabio Meo :)
Anyway im nt that far from vinivi :)