I’ve just received a mail from LCI stating that my Apple MacBook is currently in Paris waiting to be shipped. I’ll normally receive it around the beginning of next week.
Today I followed with some panic Steve Jobs’ keynote address at Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference. I was afraid that he was going to announce a new MacBook perhaps with the new Intel Core 2 Duo processor (thereby making my own MacBook outdated before I actually touch it) but, fortunately, this did not happen.
Instead, he officially launched the new Mac Pro desktop computer which is simply the best desktop computer ever (as sexy as the NeXTcube was in 1990).
He also launched an Intel-based version of the Xserve which completes Apple’s transition from the PowerPC-based architecture to an Intel-based architecture in just 210 days which is phenomenal.
Finally, Steve Jobs demoed the next version of Mac OS X aka Leopard which will be released around March next year.
(Image courtesy of ifixit)
While waiting for this cool hardware how about some light reading? I am sure you will find the following interesting: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060809-7457.html
Nice article Aadil.
The Slashdot discussion it provoked is even more interesting. It seems that, as I’m getting a week 30 MacBook, most of the issues raised by the arstechnica have been solved by Apple.
Good then. (^^)b
(this means I personally have another friend who’s gonna own a Mac, wow!!!) ;D