The Turing Award is the considered to be the Nobel Prize of Computing. It is given annually by ACM.
Here are the Turing Award winners:
Only geniuses I tell you… Every single one of them ;-)
Here are the ones I revere (in no particular order): John McCarthy (for LISP!), Edsger Dijkstra (for GOTO statements considered harmful), Donald E. Knuth (look at my previous post…), John Backus (FORTRAN fame and, yes, his contribution to functional programming), Edgar F. Codd (relational algebra and databases of course), Ken Thompson and Dennis M. Ritchie (for Unix :-) ), Ivan Sutherland (for Sketchpad), Robin Milner (for his contributions to type theory which has given us Haskell), Douglas Engelbart (for the mouse!!!), Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard (for Object-Orientation and Simula), Alan Kay (for Smalltalk and Squeak) and Vinton G. Cerf and Robert E. Kahn (for the Internet)…