Thanks to the book allowance I get from the University of Mauritius, I buy about 10-12 books every year. I just bought those eight (through a very nice guy called Félix Atioune who works for Pearson Education) and I intend to read them by the end of the year – To my students: prepare to hear a lot about refactoring and web applications/architectures in the coming months :-)
I’ve got all of them in softcopy. If one is willing enough to prevent eye damage by staring at a screen for hours, better he/she buys the book.
I agree!
I have lots of books in PDF (or HTML) format but I much prefer those which are still paper-based :-)
They are easier to read, easier to transport and, most important, it’s easy to get a visual feedback of where you are in the book (just by looking at the thickness of pages remaininig)
Easier to transport? :) I went to capital to have Database systems exam. An intro. to database systems by C.J.Date and Database systems a practical approach… byt connolly & Begg are not so easy to transport if you ask me :) Not to mention those software engineering books I have :)
I have a car ;-)
“book allowance” niceeeeeeeeeee
not bad at all being a lecturer ;)
The amount of freetime + actually being paid to do research in a field you like + feeling of enlightening junior programmers :-)
Yep! The book allowance is actually one of the nicest things at the UoM. And I don’t really have “free time” as I am always reading/trying new things i.e. I am always somewhat doing a mix of pure research and R&D :-)