He hates scousers, scousers hate him!
That’s why Liverpool will beat the scums 2-0 today. This match is actually the scum’s biggest match of the season and they’ll have all the pressure (especially our friend pictured above).
This is a nice shot of our appreciative Liverpool fans singing “Happy birthday” for the scum captain.
By the way, Liverpool has won by 1-0! And the scums are out of the FA Cup!
hahaha Manu out of Champions League and now out of FA cup :P
So, “Dudh ka dudh paani ka paani ho hi gaya”, as we say in our language.
Was gerrard playing yesterday? … Luis Garcia, such a nice player… lalig zotte pou gagner??? Alle gagne league Cup or Coca-Cola Cup, or the
Yoplait Cup as every season… Come back in 30 years for the next league win…. Be sensible , it’s trivial to see who was the best team… Sweet
dreams and Happy Diwali from Rio and Paulo…..From Ramsingh…
Big deal!
You waited 34 years to win the league. We won our last one 16 years ago. So we can technically wait another 17 years and still be better than you.
We won the Champions League 2 years ago. YOU win the Yoplait Cup from time to time.
The great Alex waited 6 years to win something. Rafa won the CL, the FA Cup and the European Supercup during his first 2 years.
Liverpool make a small profit every year. You are 400 millions pounds in debt. And you’re American.
What are you talking about?
liverpool are a gud team with a fantastic history but united are the premierships finest team in england and that is proven in the domestic situation. So shut up u scouse cup team, ur team changes more than the weather, a bit like all the crap micky mouse teams.
hahahahhahahahahhaha cumon the ac milannn out of the CL ure only priority cos u cant get nout else
common liverpool you can do it
MAN U mari…Champions europe.. liverpoool mari feb sa
A A A A A A Calm down calm down oright oright
y dont u lot just CALM down ur shit who beat the poor scousers 2 the title again, united,united,united!
True. But Liverpool did trash United 6-2 overall :-)
AHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA……..thats all us manc’s need to say bout the liverpool scum nowadays…..I say keep benitez its great for the premiership…… ha ha ha ha ha ha :L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L
3-0 against Fulham and still bragging…
liverpool no longer in europe competition… f*cking scousers