The MIT Media Lab is currently working on a $100 laptop for children in developing nations. Nicholas Negroponte, Media Lab’s founder believes that by eliminating profits, expensive displays, and commercial software, he can build a laptop for less than $100.
As read in the FAQ, [t]he idea is to distribute the machines through those ministries of education willing to adopt a policy of “One Laptop per Child.” Initial discussions have been held with China, Brazil, Thailand, and Egypt.
The specs are not extraordinary (a 500 MHz processor, 1GB hard disk space, 1 Megapixel display (1024×768 I suppose)) but the laptops are WiFi- and cellphone-enabled (Bluetooth I suppose) and have many USB ports.
And they run Linux!!!
even with these non extra specs as you say.. they are as good as or maybe butter than the pcs as in our labs.. :)
having a nicee OS too..
wat else can we ask for Rs3000?? ;-)
that is not a laptop that is a joke
Why do you say that?
Actually, this is an article from 2005. You’ll find the latest info here.