… according to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency and/or Club of International Amateurs)
“[I]nvestigation into Saddam Hussein’s purported arsenal, the CIA[…] said his search for weapons of mass destruction “has been exhausted” without finding any.”
“The Bush administration justified its 2003 invasion of Iraq as necessary to eliminate Hussein’s purported stockpile of [Weapons of Mass Destruction]”
So, basically, the invasion of Iraq by British and US-led troops and the subsequent war, is based on a political lie (with the only objective, IMHO, of getting Bush re-elected). From some sources, “[Iraqi] oil infrastructure was secured for financial reasons as well as strategic”.
Being a cynic, I must say that during this illegal war, only few civilians died…
Only 24,000…
And, frankly, who cares?
They were only Iraqis after all…
Yeah, and it’s not the first time. Bush Sr also did that for the Gulf War. The testimonials of the young girl which were highly mediatised were just a staged act…
Dangerous amateurs or dangerous conmen?
This goes to Blair too… frankly speaking I wouldn’t mind at all that the balance of power shifts to India/China in the years to come afterall… time for some payback I suppose. ;-)
Just came across an interesting interview of a nuclear physisian and philosopher in L’express today. Says he: “Bush est un simpliste. Il ne peut donc pas accepter la complexité du monde, sa diversité.(…) l’économie américaine est en voie de sous-développement par rapport aux économies émergentes comme l’Inde et la Chine. La guerre de l’Irak est l’exemple typique d’un homme qui ne comprend pas la complexité du monde et qui apprend àses dépens que David peut gagner face àGoliath.” http://www.lexpress.mu/display_article_sup.php?news_id=40848