Firefox is the best web browser in the world. Much much better and safer than Internet Explorer. Firefox offers countless improvements over other web browsers like Tabbed Browsing, Popup Blocking and Smarter Search. It’s also fully compliant with all web standards (like XHTML, CSS, Javascript etc.)
Yes, I TOTALLY AND FULLY AGREE. Firefox far excels IE. By miles. Firefox is extremely customisable, and of course, is free. Get it, Seriously, it’s the best. Also, join the friendly community at
And what about Chrome ? Far better than IE, that’s for sure. But I have a far better experience with Chrome than Firefox. It’s lighter, each tab is a different process (so, no crashes), faster on loading, easy Google account integration and a full Web Store with thousand of app and add-on.
Also, Chrome is now an OS. You can install it on any system and boot on it.
Waiting for Firefox OS to compare…
The real good point about Firefox is the company owning it : Mozilla. They are more fair on privacy and more into the ‘open source’ experience.
That’s my point of view.
I agree. I use Chrome myself. This post was written in 2005 when Chrome was just a distant dream in the minds of Brin and Page (I guess) :-)