Thanks to David Channe Vy, Fezal Ackburally and Inf (what’s your real name?) and coupled with my own data, I am getting a pretty interesting picture of our ADSL connections.
Here are some observations:
- The minimum bandwidth is at 22:30 (I got a record low of 1% of expected bandwidth last night)
- The average bandwidth (during the whole day and for all of us) is only 44.37%. This clearly indicates that we are NOT getting what we are paying for. 44.37% is not best effort!
- Sometimes (and generally at 8:30 when everyone else is stranded in his/her car on his/her way to Port-Louis) we get peak bandwidths of 75-80% of what we are paying for. Where is the missing 20%?
Anyway, let’s continue with the data gathering process. Thanks to those who are helping.
5 July update
Same behavior as previously. I consistently get an average of around 65-70% of what I’m paying for for my MyT 256. David Channe Vy consistently gets an average of only 35-40% of his ADSL 512. Are MyT users being prioritized?
Bharat, Selven and Fezal are also sending me data.
I think that Saturday and Sunday will give us some interesting raw figures to analyze.
I noticed that the connection are overdosed around 4-6 am. Sometimes I exceeds the 32kb/s threshold for 256 myt.
The Future of Nanotechnology
This study proves to be very helpful in knowing when to browse/download and to confirm that we’re paying too much for bandwidth. Thanks a lot all those participating and above all thanks for taking such an initiative.
It confirms that we get most of what we pay when others aren’t on the net. However, it also says that at best, we pay 20 percent more than we should!
If tomorrow I go to the market and buy 1 kg of fruit and have to throw away 50 percent of it, it’s not worth it! That’s what here people are trying to force us to do! Pay more, but don’t expect to get value!
It also shows what we’ve been hearing: everyone is on the net after 10 pm. Nearly no one uses Internet in the morning.
But as from 3 pm there is a serious problem: internet becomes really really slow – perhaps adding that time might be good to reflect this. :P That’s when kids return home and switch on their pc!
and today ADSL sucked..
ADSL was down in a hotel
and had to go there to check whther it was our system that was faulty
it wasnt with our system
so i had a nice trip in a very nice hotel
life’s cool :p
any1 else in the north having probs with ADSL?
We get less bandwidth during day time because I believe Telecom prioritize business subscribers over domestic ones.
Hi, This is probably completely off topic, but I was wondering if anyone knew how one can check the amount of data one has used during a particular month. I have an adsl pro connection, and over a certain data use, have to pay additional amounts. Thanks for any help.
have recently experienced that I am unable to download mp3 file from Limewire? Has MT barred limewire peer to peer download?
I will agree with Dilraj. Internet is slow as from 3 pm since everybody is on their pc, and most probably downloading stuff. As from 22h, the speed is back since most businesses are off or are nearly off, therefore minimal use. As we know, businesses + MyT get bandwidth priority as compared to Wanadoo ADSL. That’s why our Internet is extremely slow (unusable) during the day. But what about at night? Call centres are to be blamed?
—> 04.07.07 – 20h40 – IP xx.xx.106.xx – 512K
13 secs – 30.2 KBps
4 secs – 29.3 KBps
49 secs – 23.1 KBps
47 secs – 24.9 KBps
(Note. Time is a bit high since it took longer to resolve names this time. Maybe DNS server was busy.)
—> 05.07.07 – 01h30 – IP xx.xx.106.xx – 512K
3 secs – 41.6 KBps
3 secs – 42.8 KBps
22 secs – 48.2 KBps
20 secs – 50.3 KBps
P.s. What is your mail address for sending findings, sir A.Meetoo? Thanks.
started a portupgrade -a since yesterday morning, still on progress,i need to wait for it to start compiling stuffs before i start doing the check again. (ahh if only i had 8gb/s internet and a quad core processor… it would have been soo easy to perform updates with ports.)
Thanks to all those who participated. At least, this survey paints a rather grim picture of our lemon of MyT, Wanadoo ADSL (why do they call that Wanadoo anyway? This name has already been retired in Europe and replaced by Orange. Read more here:, etc.
One point I wish to add for the still large population of 128K users… Connection is incredibly slow even during weekends, something that MyT users do not experience.
All I wish for is a cleaner and better Internet usage – less pron and less movie downloads. That applies for the addicts who clog our lines.
Got problems with my MyT 256 lately..couldn’t even connect n when I phoned 8585,n everyday some stupid guy would tell me to make some series of test that I already did the day before. Others would tell me some crappy stories coz suis une FEMME!!! n they think we dnt understand anythg with pc’s.
n 1 of the guys even told me “On peut rien fer” coz g dpassé la limite et donc on m’assure plus la vitesse de connexion!!
And Internet is really slow as from 3 p.m..
“On peut rien fer†coz g dpassé la limite et donc on m’assure plus la vitesse de connexion!!
Alors ke moi javais mem plu l’Internet !! They dnt even kw where the problems come from and we have to pay them monthly!!
@ BlueBerry [11]
Is it because we’re using old Wanadoo devices and technologies (legacy systems) that the name is still Wanadoo and not Orange?
I think that FT is dumping their old systems in Mauritius (Wanadoo ADSL + MyT) and that they’re making profit out of it. So that WE make profit, we have to dump those legacy systems to other less-developed nations! That’s the rule of trade!
On my modem’s box it’s written “Wanadoo”…
According to some newspapers, FT is investing more so that Cellplus and TelecomPlus are branded as Orange…
So perhaps then finally we’ll become “advanced”…
well well well !
i would suggest a debate on WANADOO ADSL vs MYT ! ;)
btw am hearing rumours about 20mb connection in mauritius that telco is thinking to launch by the end of the years ! heard that from 2 sources
what do u think?
A debate for what? Both give us crap bandwidths in those era of multi megabit connections which bring us to your second point:
Do you really think we’ll have 20mb here in Mauritius when MT cannot guarantee 128kbit/s???
Of course, it’s possible that they allow for 20mb traffic inside the island (which is already at 2mb on MyT) but, with the limited number of servers locally, I wonder if this will be as cool as it sounds… Incidentally, if we had more mirrors here, things might be better. I’m currently thinking of setting a local ubuntu mirror here… Keep tuned.
Just a quick note to Jeev, indeed you can check your monthly usage by logging into:
with your ADSL username & password.
was stucked with no gui since 4 days (so no joys in posting around with lynx).
anywayz blueberry:
All I wish for is a cleaner and better Internet usage – less pron and less movie downloads.
:p whatever ppl does with their internet, MT is supposed to just provide the service, and the rest the users decide what they want to do with it :p because.. frankly without pr0n.. the net will be less visited by many :p, even lesser when if movie downloads were snatched away :p
As for the 128kbps wanadoo adsl, indeed, i used to get constant 2Kb/s at times.. that’s one of the main reasons that made me shift to Myt.
So many unsatisfied MT users here…both wanadoo & myT…I have myT 256kbps & its like i’m paying for dial up…everytime I fone them I get the same answer “hang on…U have surpassed your 1GB limit”…wtf???…Sumtimes I get the impression that this things doesnt really exist coz I get slowest speeds on the 1st of every month…& wen I fone them at these times they say that the problem is with my pc nt there systems…I have 5 friends who also use myT & they are all unsatisfied…MT better start doing sumthin abt this issue!
thanks asvin,
Is MT capping the download speed or throttling of p2p downloads?
lol ^^! i guess MT is far better than Nomad what do u say ?!!! or every one should do as a friend did , he bought 3mb wireless internet connection with world coverage or something like that and just pays -rs900 per month ! :s
IMO both ISP’s are crap…None of them provide a good connection…they always come up with sum excuses…3mb wireless connection with world wide coverage…dat would b sumthin kool if it existed here!
That debate should be closed!
We are all complaining, will also do so in the coming years. Guess what? Has anyone asked himself why since 2002, MT has stuck with 128K and 512K? Prices went down but what about the speed?
This is an interesting observation.
My guess would be that in the pre-YouTube era, 128 kbit/s was about sufficient. But now in this streaming video and audio era, those bandwidths are not adequate anymore.
I suppose this is the chicken and the egg situation again. Few have been asking for more bandwidth up to now because few have experienced those new multimedia websites at high bandwidth and felt the pain when moving in Mauritius…
In fact, in the study (or the one I’ll make afterwards), I will evaluate the bandwidth required to experience those new websites correctly and show that we are wide off the mark here…
a good 384 is enough to watch vids on youtube
Thanks for the link about selfcare.. Never knew that existed! :P You can even change your account password and know your sessions! Very nice! Thanks pal!
We all know how crappy bandwidth in Mauritius is. No point in debating about that. The problem is, will there be enough market to support a megabit service if launched in Mauritius? When we consider the European or US markets, there are enough customers to pay for the cost of setting the service in place. But in Mru? 10,000 subscribers? How much will they each have to pay to cover the cost of the investment? Frankly, we are in for a long wait till we get our megabit connections at less than Rs.1000. We can only hope that the ESSAY cable to come will do some good to the traffic here. That will be in 2009 I think.
This sounds kind of worrying for me, I’m planning to move to Mauritius in a year (Hope things improve before that :) and work from mu remotely. So working internet connection is important for me – so if I buy 512 (or 1mbit) connection, will it actually work with adversited speed?
I also noticed that upload speeds are pretty slow (checked telecomplus site), only 128kbit/s for 512 adsl.
Business DSL’s however don’t mention upload speed at all – are these 512/512 and do they work better than consumer DSL’s? at least 512/512 connection would be pretty much a requirement (for lightweight videoconferencing and such) – as business dsl’s seem to cost at least twice more, are they guaranteed to work better? :)
It seems I cannot log in the selfcare webpage. any help?
dude18: the username is in this format:
(i suppose that’s why you arehaving trouble logging in.)
You need to be a subscriber of Telecom Plus first. Then, to login, you need to put your username (just the prefix, not the @tplus part) and your password. first time on your’s really interesting.i have monitor my connection(as always) and have always find out that between 18.00 to 23.45, the connection speed drops to 50kbps
(i have a myT 256 kbps)
From 23.45 to 08.00 the speed is in a range of 256 to 280 kbps. and from 08.00 to 17.00 it is in a range of 200 to 246 kbps and between 17.00 to 18.00 around 100 to 150 kbps.
I have sent several mails to customer care.Out of 5 mails concerning speed i have received only 1 reply in return.In some few hours, we will be on a new month(september), and as what customer care told me.(i will enjoy full speed in “garantie usage”) well, i’m eager to let them know that the speed decreases arriving at 17.00 even if i did 30 gb or only 1 kb! ! !
Following my speed monitoring about speed connection.(1st September)I am still in that supposed to be a guaranteed service level and the speed i got came as a shock to me.(somewhere i knew it will be slow.)
I spent 1 whole day only to monitor this connection.And I’m extremely unhappy with the service being provided to me.
Speed at 10.04=>242kbps
Speed at 11.08=>230kbps
Speed at 12.45=>252kbps
Speed at 14.59=>192kbps
Speed at 15.40=>177kbps
Speed at 17.10=>108kbps
Speed at 17.59=>96kbps
Speed at 18.28=>62kbps
Speed at 20.11=>113kbps
Speed at 21.50=>71kbps
Speed at 23.07=>118kbps
Speed at 23.22=>131kbps
” As stipulated in our terms and conditions (Clause 3.6.4–Data Usage Guidelines), MT has implemented a guaranteed service level for all users within their allocated usage allowance.
As per your subscribed service, the guaranteed volume allowance (MyT 256K) is 1 GB. This service level is not guaranteed for users who exceed the usage allowance.”
What Myt backoffice said to me.It will be a nice pleasure to turn to them for an explanation.
Glad to know that what I have been thinking about my wanadoo Mauritius 512 system when I am at home there, is a wanadoo nothing band width system the thing is they need to to upgrade as they get more customers .But dont worry they do the same thing here also in UK but that end’s as more people get upset then they spend a little more money to upgrade system and then offer more mb which they never reach and so on and so on taking more money from you. We need a lawyer but then I think one would be in a simlare situation.
horrible speed… i recently upgraded from 128k to 512k adsl MT hoping for great speeds…blah… i get horrible rate during the day and between 8pm to 10:30 5-6kb/s!!! OMG!!!
Hi guys, i’m new here.
I have the wanadoo adsl 128. the speed sucks. what sucks more is that i can’t even browse the web during the day. webpage takes a hell lot of time to open. recently i’ve experienced a speed drop till 22.00. normally at 18.00 i got my full bandwith with 11-12kbps download speed. but now it is at 5-6kbps. during the weekend though i got a pretty stable connection. i’m a rather big user and download approximately 8-9 gb monthly considering my speed. i don’t plan to switch to 512kbps because i believe that Rs862.50 is more than we should pay for 128kbps. seriuosly how can we called Mauritius a cyber island. for all the wanadoo users here i wanted to know if u can download by torrent.for me, i can’t. i’ve tried several torrent clients but still it doesn’t work
Hey Avinash – feel free to move this post if you’ve covering Net PC.
Greetings. I just watched the news (MBC) and apparently, Mauritius Telecom wants to increase internet usage.
Well, that’s sounds good, does it not?
Well, no.
I am so sorry and ashamed of MT.
The NET PC is not customisable. It’s basically a set of clusters running virtual machines accessed remotely. The VM run Windows 2K3 (or could run any OS – but in the news, MS products are being promoted big time).
You’ve *cough* 500 MB on the server. *laugh* Rs. 10 per additional 100 MB.
You have access for 30 hours of broadband access *cough* *lame*
What else?
The NET PC costs ~Rs.4500 and you’ve to pay Rs. 450 per month.
Ok, I admit that I, as a developer, am not being targeted. However, I wonder if it would cost less to buy the OLPC or if old P3 could be be revived and sold to families.
30 hours of internet access + Rs.10 per additional 100 MB -> COME ON! WAKE UP PEOPLE.
Granted, you can plug in your USB thumbdrives and portable hard drives.
It’s quite funny – I’m betting the router runs on either linux or BSD.
The NET PC is just another way for MT to rip off the money off poor Mauritians – that’s what it looks like. I’m sorry.
There’s also a privacy issue. How far are you wiling to trust MT to hold your data? Will MT give out your data if it’s being supenoed?
How reliable is the cluster? How many backup copies are made? Are those copies destroyed after some time?
How does the law protect me from misuse of data from MT? Is there a clause in the contract which prevents me from suing MT?
So, it’s still blurry – but any good journalist would investigate this matter instead of just displaying a jolly picture on TV.
Also, I’d like to point out that it is very unfair for make people use Windows in VM. MT spent a lot of money in licensing (hey, that’s why it’s Windows 2K3 and not XP – 2K3 license for multiple use costs way less than XP (let’s not mention vista – plus, windows home server 2k8 is not out for the public yet).
Oh well, a license from RHL would have been ok – MT would have had support.
But I guess there is some kind of lobby from Microsoft. (maybe)
I do hope Mauritians will be enlightened enough to NOT buy that product, and that Etienne Sinathamboo won’t praise it. I’d rather hear about MT offering more services at a low price. Well, that’s just my opinion. DON”T SUE ME FOR EXPRESSING MYSELF. This is still a democracy as far as I know.
About the OLPC:
Mauritius Telecom wants to increase internet usage. -> I mean internet PENETRATION.
Also, I’d like to point out that I’m not against the peripheral (routing). I’m just not ok with the services provided.
I’d have been glad if I could not register for the service and connect remotely from my own PC without the extra Rs. 4500 peripheral.
I’m still with ADSL 128 KBps from Wannadoo. It serves my needs. I am not into mass downloading and I usually download 700 MB in 1 day off foreign FTP servers.
However, I am a fan of Miro and I do like to watch the 10000+ channels or so. There are even free movies (good and quite recent movies given away by companies such as paramount) and buffering is not my thing. But Miro allows me to download the files esp. the youtube series like JetSet (i just like the girl).
Miro: has been updated.
Signed up for Wanadoo 512 about 2 days ago and it feels like I have been ripped off by MT. I really do not understand how the exorbitant price that they charge for internet connectivity justify the 50kbs download speed. For a country that has been branded as “cyber islandâ€, the internet speed is absolutely ludicrous. Isn`t time for whoever in charge(presumably Ministry of ICT?) to realise that the internet is an absolute necessity for IT and make it a priority to promote cheaper and faster access.
ames, you’re pretty right with that MT NetPC…it’s another scam from MT to rip the poor Mauritians. Where are the professionalism of our good journalists? They publish the MT NetPC in their newspapers as if they’re advertising for MT.
ames, could you tell me what’s the downstream speed you get with your Wannadoo ADSL 128 KBps? Does it very often stop in the middle when you’re downloading something? Is it the transfer rate stable or it goes up and down? Is the data volume unlimited as they say or like MyT with a limit of 1GB? Appreciate your reply.
hello everybody,its 2 months now that i have moved from that crappy Wanadoo ADSL “fake” 512kbps to MyT 512k and i am very satisfied with it.My max download speed is about 65KB/s,for i live about 1.8km from an MT exchange!!
Hello..i’ve searched for the topic because i’m having some problems with my myT since 48hours.. since the day I got my myT, on the first day itself I exceeded by limit of 1GB for the 256KB/s package as I’ve got a premium account of rapidshare so I can download how much I want…
Meaning that on the first day itself, they should have really diminished my download speed! So, why these last 48hours?
Somebody can help me with that or avinash you yourself.
Secondly, on 8585, I don’t blame them, because they are only call centres agents appointed by MT with a checklist in front of them.
Well, one of the many explanations I got, the normal one, excess!
Second explanation, is that since mid January 2008, they started to really impose those restrictions on download for those who commit excess.
Third explanation, is that after the 1GB excess, I’m no more on the server of MT but on a satellite server! :s my god!
Three different agents with three different explanations!
I would like to get your views and some help with this!
Chouaibe: Why feed the devil when you know MyT is crappy & the biggest scam in MT’s history (so far)?
it’s been 3 month now that i;ve got my adsl 128 but i don’t experience low speed too much but only on sunday, one reason for that is hat i live in a remote village(baie du cap’ not so remote after all) where internet is a total strangers to some inhabitants. but in towns it is completely different, i think it is one cause of low speed but mt really suck , cyber island ..mon cue, about myt… my friend
neigbour) has signed for myt 256, i’ll going to monitor his speed n will let u know
Hi all. I have a home unlimited 512K ADSL subscribed with telecom plus. I have inform the call agents there on 203 7272 of my download speed problem, 10K max on international network, first on february 18th 2008. Guess what??? They have done nothing to this date. I feel they don’t care at all of my numerous calls & attempt to get a technician to check the problem. I’ve checked a few lawyer friends to find the possibility to bring this mater, which i call theft, to court. I’ll keep u updated.
Forget about the speed stuff. Now, latest bugging issue, we are suffering coz DNS server.
hey guys hw u monitor those speed ????????
Avinash, after moderation of his comment you could have helped him with his question at the same time! It would have cost you seconds :)
I should have :-)
Well guys I can just tell you that I am 1.8Km from a MT exchange and that I am having the announced speed for which I subscribed btw its Orange ADSL 1Mb/s
You are using Orange Business? In what region?
I live 800m from the MT exchange (Triolet)… & here’s what i get for my 128kbps.
Ping = 936ms
I’m completely baffled that you are getting MORE that your intended speed??!?! :(
Overall speed in Mauritius sucks:
so you’re having your 122KB/s…
how much do you pay for that subscription?
is that company or home use?
now, tell us, how does it feel to browse and download at this speed :) make us dream :p
No its no business man, but for home use only actually I have an outddor wifi network deployed between me and a fren so I pay a half the bill that is Rs 6888.5/2= Rs 3444.5..
Well mari bon sa man ena fois to download vin lor 1.2Mbit/s :-) btw upload is also ok @ 256kbps
Actually 1mbps broadband is not available on Orange website but only for business, so it call them and they told me that its still available but at the same price of Orange business. Well I am from P-Louis!!
Haha dont me man, bcoz if your line is clear, you hv got a good modem (mine is Cisco) and the proper router (with PPP compression enabled) you can boost your speed a LITTLE :-)
why don’t you take the 1MB myT which is around Rs2K i think?
Isn’t the performance the same or much better?
Rs3450/mnth, man, it’s a little bit much especially with everything on the rise in this country; difficult to make such monthly financial provision for such.
Eventually, if with 6 people around, Rs1000 each, that’ll make it. What’s the range of the Wifi (max) to get best output?
Well i know :-) …indeed myt performance is very good for I came from MyT 512k itself then switched to Orange.You know at that time it was limited to 3GB and my normal usage was about 45GB bandwidth/month and 1Mb to 7GB. But now that there is the fair usage policy in both myt and orange i’ll consider it the future!
Wat do u you mean by range??
check out this article of this morning concerning the broadband service of Emtel.
Avinash you living in QB, you knew about EMTEL setting their cables overthere?
Any news about that guys?
Range = hmmmm, don’t know how to explain that to you lol really.
No. I didn’t know anything about Emtel’s project… It sure looks interesting but will they manage to complete their ambitious endeavor by 2009?
‘IF’ they are actually setting those cables, at least it won’t be just talks, it’ll be concrete evidence of their project. That’s why I wanted to know if people living in Qbornes knew about that and witnessed it.
Anyway guys, i’ve tried skype unlimited calls subscription the other day, just want to tell you to stop buying those international calling cards. Take that subscription, it’s just too good! Only $5, around Rs140, I’m offered 10,000 minutes of talks. The sound is crystal clear, excellent and without any interruptions or lagging.
San la la, vraiment Cozer fini, cash rester!!!
Ya I think knew it bcoz some month ago there was an ad in the newspaper that Emtel was offering job to optical engineers for their upcoming new project..
To Chouaibe
Well it depends on which type to antenna you use,out tx power and cable length etc..mine is a point to point wireless bridge link over a distance of 550m and i get a max throuput of 30Mbit/s symmetric..but the link can be extended up to 5Km!!
Emtel to the rescue! :P
If Emtel, being a tiny company as it is (compared to MT/Orange) can think of investing into international fibre links, I wonder what excuse can Orange come up with to justify why they can’t do the same themselves??
I also wonder how much of that Rs. 2 billion is going to France… :|
I sincerely pray that in 2 years time everyone here will be a happy Emtel user with a megabit fibre connection without any limit. :) (Die Orange!)
could we move to emtel some time next week instead?
Next Week?? What do you mean?
At Carrotmadman6:
From today Le Mauricien newspaper: 1% of the yearly turnover of MT goes to FT.
MT verserait 1% de son chiffre d’affaires annuel à FT
La plateforme commune constituée de la Mauritius Telecom Employees Association (MTEA) et de la Telecommunication Workers Union estime à 1% du chiffre d’affaire le montant qui sera versé à France Telecom annuellement pour l’utilisation de la marque Orange. Lors d’une conférence de presse à Port-Louis, vendredi, ses dirigeants, Raj Rughoonauth et Vishnu Jugdharry, ont également parlé de la révision salariale au sein de cette entreprise et des actions qui sont vendues aux employés.
” Lorsque nous avions posé la question à la direction de MT, elle nous avait répondu que ce ne sont pas 3% des chiffres d’affaires que MT va verser à FT. Combien alors ? Elle ne nous le dit pas, mais selon nos informations c’est 1% des chiffres d’affaires annuels que MT va verser à FT pour l’utilisation de la marque Orange et 1% pour 2007, soit Rs 62,7M “, a déclaré M. Rughoonauth. Il a rappelé également les dépenses encourues pour changer le logo de Cellplus partout dans le pays, dans les bureaux et autres, mais aussi les nombreux cadeaux, T-shirts et téléphones portables, au coût de Rs 30M, qui ont été offerts aux employés. M. Rughoonauth a dit que la plateforme commune va poursuivre son action de dénonciation de Orange dans les jours et les semaines à venir et va réclamer une commission d’enquête pour faire la lumière sur cette transaction si elle la juge nécessaire.
Pour Vishsnu Jughdharry, la direction de MT agit comme un hors-la-loi. Elle décide de ne pas octroyer des uniformes aux travailleurs dont la nature du travail le demande, et à la place donne des T-shirts aux couleurs de Orange. De plus, selon lui, MT viole l’accord sur la révision salariale avec les syndicats et nomme une commission salariale en la personne du directeur du Pay Research Bureau (PRB), M. Appanah. ” Nous avons un accord qui stipule qu’il doit y avoir des négociations directes entre la direction et les syndicats ou les deux parties se mettent d’accord pour l’institution d’une commission salariale. Or, MT nomme cette commission sans même nous consulter “, a-t-il déclaré.
Pour cette plateforme commune, M. Appanah n’est qu’un consultant de MT et ne pourra travailler en toute indépendance. De ce fait, elle ne va pas déposer devant cette commission salariale. ” Nous ferons nos demandes directement à la direction. Nous voulons une hausse de salaire de l’ordre de 40%, soit 33% pour compenser la perte du pouvoir d’achat des employés depuis la dernière révision salariale et 7% pour la revalorisation des postes “, a déclaré M. Jugdharry. Il a ajouté que la plateforme commune va se rendre sur les lieux de travail des employés pour leur expliquer cette démarche.
Concernant les 1% d’actions vendues aux employés, il a expliqué que les syndicats voulaient que la direction offre ces actions gratuitement aux employés. Ce qui devait coûter environ Rs 32M. Or, la direction a choisi, a-t-il ajouté, d’offrir des cadeaux à ces mêmes employés au coût de Rs 30M, puisées des caisses de MT pour être versées dans celles d’une firme privée qui a vendu les téléphones portables à MT. ” Sa larzan la ti pou res dan pos travayer e dan pos MT si ti pou don aksion kado olie telefon portab “, a-t-il conclu.